Communicable Diseases
A disease that can be passed from a person to another person, animal, or object
Causes of Communicable Diseases Pathogens Tiny organisms that cause communicable diseases Infections A condition that occurs when pathogens enter the body, multiply, and damage cells
Causes of Communicable Diseases Bacteria Tiny one- celled organisms that live nearly everywhere Viruses The smallest disease causing organism
Viruses Flu Colds Hepatitis Measles Mumps Chicken Pox Bacteria Some live inside and on the human body Some necessary for normal function Strep Throat Tooth Decay Bacterial Pneumonia Viruses Flu Colds Hepatitis Measles Mumps Chicken Pox
Other Types of Pathogens Fungi Primitive life forms that feed on organic material Protozoa Single celled organisms that are usually harmless but that can cause certain diseases Ricketsias Disease causing bacteria that resemble bacteria but multiply like viruses
African Sleeping Sickness African sleeping sickness is a disease caused by the protozoa, which are carried by the tsetse fly and are transmitted to humans through tsetse fly bites. This disease is fairly damaging to the human body and can cause serious illness.
Malaria Malaria is a very common disease in some countries and is spread through mosquito bites of mosquitoes that have been infected by one of the many different malaria-causing parasites.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) Rickettsia rickettsii is found in the Americas and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected ticks. Rocky Mountain spotted fever can cause serious damage to internal organs, such as your kidneys and heart.
How Pathogens are Spread Direct contact with an infected Person Kissing, sexual contact Indirect Contact with an Infected Person Air, forks, cups Contact with a Vector An organism, such as an insect, that transmits a pathogen
Drinking Eating Improperly stored foods Under cooked meat Receive infected blood
Prevention WASH HANDS Food Prep Clean Utensils and surfaces Don't Share Outdoors Clothes, Insect Repellent, Inspect Cover Mouth/Nose Stay Home