Louis Mancuso “The Landing Doctor” Zero to Professional Pilot in 2 years for $55,000 including housing 11-7 Louis Mancuso “The Landing Doctor”
What you don’t need!! A college degree to get hired by the airlines. $300,000 in high interest student loans Debt that you will be still paying off when you are 45 years of age.
What you do need!! Lou Mancuso, “The Landing Doctor” Lou is all about flying safety and he has your back. Enroll in Lou’s Sebring Flight Academy for less than $55,000 and get your first flying job in about two years. First class medical required.
Start with a 50 hour private pilots license course How can the Sebring Flight Academy get you all of your ratings for less than $55,000? Start with a 50 hour private pilots license course Train in a brand new Technically Advanced Bristell Aircraft in sunny Sebring, Florida $10,000 guaranteed Housing and transportation are included. $3000 down $7000 financed at 5% interest for one year for $600/mo.
$19,700 with housing and transportation How can the Sebring Flight Academy get you all of your ratings for less than $55,000? After your debt is repaid for your private you will enroll in our LSA CFI course which is: 1. 100 hours of aircraft rental 2. 40 hours of CFI instruction 3. School enrollment fee of $100 $19,700 with housing and transportation $2000 down and $303 per month 5% additional if you pay with a credit card.
As a Light Sport Certified Flight Instructor How can the Sebring Flight Academy get you all of your ratings for less than $55,000? As a Light Sport Certified Flight Instructor You will be paid $12 per hour plus a bonus of $11 per hour towards your debt when you fly early and late. Your commercial and instrument will be earned with 20 hours of dual with our unique program. The cost for this will be $5700 for each. $11,400 with housing and transportation. Zero down and $71 per month.
How can the Sebring Flight Academy get you all of your ratings for less than $55,000? Overview: Private Pilot course……………………… $10,000 LSA Certified Flight Instructor course $19,700 Commercial and Instrument course $11,400 Multi Engine with our affiliate……. $ 2,000 Housing and transportation………… $ 7,300 Flight Tests and enrollment Fees… $ 4,500 Total for all training…. $54,900
Will a 4 year college degree be helpful in obtaining your first job as a corporate pilot? Education is always important and if you were competing head to head with another cadet who had a 4 year degree it might make a difference. The reality of the situation is Airlines need pilots and the cadet who shows up first with 1500 hour is going to get the job. Cadets who attend the Sebring Flight Academy will probably have 1500 hours two years sooner than the college student and get their corporate or airline job first.
Will a 4 year college degree be helpful with your career as a professional pilot? In the Airline world seniority is everything. Getting your airline job first will make a big difference in your pay and seniority.
Our Aircraft
Our Avionics
Garmin Avionics will make you Gleeful Red Bird full motion simulator
Our Engines Rotax 912 iS Sport fuel injected 2000 TBO 100 HP engine
The Cabin WIDER THAN A CIRRUS- 51 inches wide 5’4” to 6’ 8” pilots will be comfortable
The Process www.sebringflightacademy.com Examine our web site for complete information about our program. www.sebringflightacademy.com
www.bristellaircraft.com www.thelandingdoctor.com lou@bristellaircraft.com www.sebringflightacademy.com