Graphics Considerations Kevin Harville
Using Links The href attribute can contain javascript instead of a URL. <a href="javascript:alert('hello')"> This is valid in anchor tags and area tags of image maps.
You can still have an event handler. <a href="javascript:alert('hello')" onMouseOver="alert('hi')">
Images Array Like most page elements, images in a document are automatically members of the images array. You can refer to images by their array index or by name.
Preloading Images We preload images to make rollovers and other image changes instant. Rollovers are images, such as buttons, that change when you put the mouse over them. If the image had to be loaded at that time it would take to long for their to be any point in having the rollover.
Images Are Objects Objects are made with the new keyword. myImage = new Image(); myImage.src = "myPic.jpg" Src is a property of myImage. Images have other properties, such as height and width.