Children and Young People’s Plan ‘It’s Everybody’s Business’ 2012-2015 Voluntary Action Lewisham CYPP – agreed to maintain despite statutory duty no longer exists Provides strategy and direction across all partnership and partnership stratagies always align to this Current plan –much of it still relevant, as we will see during the presentation – so much is still applicable and will be retained Partly – long term strategies and outcomes we are trying to achieve take time 28th March 2012 1 1
Purpose of the CYPP To improve the lives and opportunities to Lewisham Children and Young People Overarching Strategy which brings together the partnership actions Evidence based Informs commissioning priorities Golden thread
Golden Thread Lewisham Strategic Sustainable Community Strategy Partnership Sustainable Community Strategy CYPSPB Children and Young People’s Plan Service Plans Team Plans Performance Evaluation Schemes
Ambitious and achieving Safer Empowered and responsible Together, we will make Lewisham the best place in London to live, work and learn Dynamic and prosperous Clean, green and liveable SCS Healthy, active and enjoyable
We will put children and young people first every time Vision and Values Together with families, we will have the highest aspirations and ambition for all our children and young people We will put children and young people first every time Together with families, we will improve the lives and life chances of the children and young people in Lewisham We will make a positive difference to the lives of children and young people SCS
Our culture across the partnership We all work for children All Lewisham’s children are all of our concern All money is children’s money – make every penny count Personal responsibility of all to integrate and share information No resignation from the teams around the child – ‘no wrong door’ ‘don’t just refer on’ In addition to the priorities and actions – these our are ‘message’ that reflect our culture across the partnership – in the current plan these are within the detail and the KAI – but these are the areas that frontline staff and managers remember Want to highlight them within the plan
Our Current Priorities 2009-12 Current priotities
Progress has been made in… Breastfeeding Teenage conceptions - sustained improving trend but still rank in worst quartile nationally Chlamydia testing LAC - relatively low incidence, and recent improvements in placement stability Child Protection Plans lasting 2+ years - notable decreases in numbers Early Years Foundation Stage (age 5 years) - continues to improve, and expect to be close to national in 2011 for second year running Key Stage 2 - continued improvement and better than national for second successive year GCSEs continue to improve - good improvement but remain below other similar London Boroughs KS2 and GCSE improvements for Free School Meal and ethnic minority pupils A level passes remain above national Primary school attendance in the best quartile nationally NEETs remain low compared with national and other similar London Boroughs but far too many ‘unknowns’ Sustained increases in Level 2 & 3 attainment at age 19, and now at or similar to Statistical Neighbours and national
The Challenge …in a context of reducing resources Our growing CYP population has implications for all services, for example: School places, including special schools GPs and Health Visitors Early intervention/family support Community Health Services HVs CAMHS Therapies Specialist Services Children’s Social Care …in a context of reducing resources
Ofsted inspection results Outstanding safeguarding services Good LAC provision Partnership Working: “ The strength of the community partnerships promotes excellent opportunities for capacity building and a joint responsibility on which to manage and plan for current and future demands and challenges.”
Our Future Priorities 2012-2015 Be Healthy Reduce heath inequalities by: Improving the take up of immunisations Reducing the number of babies born with low birth weight Improve the health of looked after children Further reduce teenage conceptions and the rate of sexually transmitted infections Reduce childhood obesity Reduce substance misuse, including alcohol and tobacco Promote mental and emotional well-being Stay Safe Reduce child abuse and neglect Reduce harm to children and young people caught up in domestic violence Provide secure and consistent support for LAC, particularly placement stability Support families at risk of being in crisis Ensure that children and young people feel safe Enjoy and Achieve Raise educational standards at all key stages Close the attainment gap between underachieving groups and their peers Improve secondary school attendance Meet the needs of pupils with SEN and disabilities Ensure there are sufficient school places for every Lewisham child Make a positive contribution Strengthen further youth participation and involvement Reduce anti-social behaviour, youth crime and support young people who are the victims of crime Provide integrated youth support for all young people to ensure they are able to make informed choices about their lives. Achieve Economic Well-being Reduce further the number of young people who are NEET 16-24 Raise participation and achievement at age 19 Secure a diverse 14-19 offer which meets the needs and aspirations of learners Meet the housing needs of young people and their families Feedback so far: Have taken out: Supporting parents into employment including the provision of childcare Ensure that all children have opportunities to play and a range of leisure activities Have amended: Changed school attendance to secondary school attendance Added smoking and alcohol to substance misuse Other comments: Need to add CWD/SEN under stay safe Consider adding rickets Sexual exploitation 11 11
Our key areas for impact 2012-2015?? What are key areas for impact? Over-arching areas that we need to continue to concentrate on to ensure we achieve our priorities Applicable and recognisable across the partnership Have an impact on systems, processes, service design, professional skills, engagement and involvement of children, young people and their parents/carers – and therefore on outcomes How do we achieve this? Maintain the over-arching key areas for impact – but with actions under the priorities and commissioning intentions Had some discussion on what are these, what do we want them for, and how do they link to our priorities?
Our four key areas for impact 2012-2015?? To continue our relentless focus on outcomes and ensure impact across our priorities we need to: Ensure our early intervention and targeted support approaches are embedded and have direct impact for children; Have the highest aspirations and ambition for all our children and young people right across the partnership, particularly to close gaps and secure social mobility; Ensure the effective involvement of children, young people and parents/carers in decision making, service development and evaluation Secure and retain a strong, committed and highly skilled workforce across the partnership, with outstanding leadership and management
Reducing child poverty Should remain as a key focus Reducing the impact of child poverty is embedded in everything else that we do – all key areas for impact and each priority Recognise the constraints of the current climate on reducing child poverty
Our Engagement Approach… We have already started our engagement with children and young people Takeover day Young Mayor and advisors Developing ‘youth’ priorities and actions in particular with young people Parents Voluntary and Community Sector All staff Stakeholder event in February
Next Steps Engagement with children, young people and parents – March Engagement with agencies and providers – March Stakeholder day – 26th April Children & Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board – Mayor and Cabinet – 30th May Full Council – 27th June 16 16
What we would like to know from you How can our 2012-2015 future priorities be more value added? List the top 5 things that you the VCS can provide as a key partner in helping to deliver our 2012-2015 future priorities. How can Lewisham Council and the VCS work better together as partners in helping to deliver our future priorities and ultimately better outcomes for children, young people, and families in the borough? And we will… Provide you with an update as to what we have done with your contributions at the next forum