Big Data, Bigger Data & Big R Data Birmingham R Users Meeting 23rd April 2013 Andy Pryke / @AndyPryke
I work in commercial data mining, data analysis and data visualisation My Bias… I work in commercial data mining, data analysis and data visualisation Background in computing and artificial intelligence Use R to write programs which analyse data
What is Big Data? Depends who you ask. Answers are often “too big to ….” …load into memory …store on a hard drive …fit in a standard database Plus “Fast changing” Not just relational
My “Big Data” Definition “Data collections big enough to require you to change the way you store and process them.” - Andy Pryke
Servers with 1Tb+ memory are available Data Size Limits in R Standard R packages use a single thread, with data held in memory (RAM) help("Memory-limits") Vectors limited to 2 Billion items Memory limit of ~128Tb Servers with 1Tb+ memory are available Also, Amazon EC2 servers up to 244Gb
Overview Problems using R with Big Data Processing data on disk Hadoop for parallel computation and Big Data storage / access “In Database” analysis What next for Birmingham R User Group?
Background: R matrix class - Built in (package base). - Stored in RAM - “Dense” - takes up memory to store zero values) Can be replaced by…..
Sparse / Disk Based Matrices Matrix – Package Matrix. Sparse. In RAM big.matrix – Package bigmemory / bigmemoryExtras & VAM. On disk. VAM allows access from parallel R sessions Analysis – Packages irlba, bigalgebra, biganalytics (R-Forge list)etc. More details? “Large-Scale Linear Algebra with R”, Bryan W. Lewis, Boston R Users Meetup
Commercial Versions of R Revolution Analytics have specialised versions of R for parallel execution & big data I believe many if not most components are also available under Free Open Source licences, including the RHadoop set of packages Plenty more info here
Background: Hadoop Parallel data processing environment based on Google’s “MapReduce” model “Map” – divide up data and sending it for processing to multiple nodes. “Reduce” – Combine the results Plus: Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) HBase – Distributed database like Google’s BigTable
RHadoop – Revolution Analytics Package: rmr2, rhbase, rhdfs Example code using RMR (R Map-Reduce) R and Hadoop – Step by Step Tutorials Install and Demo RHadoop (Google for more of these online) Data Hacking with RHadoop
RHadoop ## In, 1 ## the, 1 ## beginning, 1 ##... ## the, 2345 <- function(., lines) { ## split "lines" of text into a vector of individual "words" words <- unlist(strsplit(x = lines,split = " ")) keyval(words,1) ## each word occurs once } wc.reduce <- function(word, counts ) { ## Add up the counts, grouping them by word keyval(word, sum(counts)) wordcount <- function(input, output = NULL){ mapreduce( input = input , output = output, input.format = "text", map =, reduce = wc.reduce, combine = T) E.g. Function Output ## In, 1 ## the, 1 ## beginning, 1 ##... ## the, 2345 ## word, 987 ## beginning, 123 RHadoop
Other Hadoop libraries for R Other packages: hive, segue, RHIPE… segue – easy way to distribute CPU intensive work - Uses Amazon’s Elastic Map Reduce service, which costs money. - not designed for big data, but easy and fun. Example follows…
RHadoop # first, let's generate a 10-element list of # 999 random numbers + 1 NA: > myList <- getMyTestList() # Add up each set of 999 numbers > outputLocal <- lapply(myList, mean, na.rm=T) > outputEmr <- emrlapply(myCluster, myList, mean, na.rm=T) RUNNING - 2011-01-04 15:16:57 RUNNING - 2011-01-04 15:17:27 RUNNING - 2011-01-04 15:17:58 WAITING - 2011-01-04 15:18:29 ## Check local and cluster results match > all.equal(outputEmr, outputLocal) [1] TRUE # The key is the emrlapply() function. It works just like lapply(), # but automagically spreads its work across the specified cluster RHadoop
Oracle R Connector for Hadoop Integrates with Oracle Db, “Oracle Big Data Appliance” (sounds expensive!) & HDFS Map-Reduce is very similar to the rmr example Documentation lists examples for Linear Regression, k-means, working with graphs amongst others Introduction to Oracle R Connector for Hadoop. Oracle also offer some in-database algorithms for R via Oracle R Enterprise (overview)
Teradata Integration Package: teradataR Teradata offer in-database analytics, accessible through R These include k-means clustering, descriptive statistics and the ability to create and call in-database user defined functions
“R” you interested? What Next? I propose an informal “big data” Special Interest Group, where we collaborate to explore big data options within R, producing example code etc. “R” you interested?