Representation │ Audiences │ Industries │ Language Keywords Key thoughts when reading question: This is a question about representation. 6 marks Think about the different ways that BAME have been represented and why this has been done. Link the why to the target audience – that is key! Answer: 1-2 marks: Basic analysis of the product only focusing on the more straight forward aspects of representations of ethnicity in the specified product and is mostly descriptive rather than analytical. Limited appropriate focus on the intended meanings created by the representations in the video. Little, if any, appropriate use of subject specific terminology. 3-4 marks: Satisfactory analysis of the product that is clear and maintains a general focus on aspects of representations of ethnicity in the specified product. Some appropriate and effective focus on the intended meanings created by the representations in the video. Some appropriate and effective use of subject specific terminology. 5-6 marks: Excellent analysis of the product that is detailed and critically engages with the nuanced aspects of representations of ethnicity in the specified product. Consistent appropriate and effective focus on the intended meanings created by the representations in the video. Consistent appropriate and effective use of subject specific terminology throughout.
Representation │ Audiences │ Industries │ Language Thinking process: Representation of BAME and how it links to target audience Positive role models to encourage donation. Be part of this! Links to what you could be and plays on guilt. Direct to audience –”We are…”. Also speaks to camera (C&C of music video). Pleading. Wide range of representations from all walks of life – involves all of audience Images and message is hugely upbeat – inspires audience to get involved Give examples of jobs, video characters, lyrics from advert to show deep understanding.
Representation │ Audiences │ Industries │ Language Perfect answer: Represent is targeted specifically at the BAME community in order to increase the number of blood donors from that sector of society. The video starts by representing that audience to themselves as people with a capacity to succeed, “You could be a rapper … you could be a pilot”. This stresses the potential of young BAME people to achieve their ambitions in many walks of life and has been designed so that the audience actively engages with the video. It also uses a personal mode of address by switching to the first person, “We are the voice of the streets... we are the ones making policies”. This appeals directly to the target audience. A succession of black and Asian role models is shown in the context of their success (the Houses of Parliament, a science laboratory). Again, this anchors the point successful people get involved in improving society and you can do this too by donating blood. Finally, the audience is represented to themselves as people who will be fired up by the challenge to “Give blood, save a life’. The producers have chosen to challenge negative stereotypes of the BAME community by aligning the ‘give blood’ message with a sense of pride in the community and the potential of its members. The producers of Represent have chosen an overwhelmingly upbeat and positive representation of the BAME community and linked this to the campaign’s inspirational message.