Cat-Scratch Disease By Ali Wiles
Cat-Scratch Disease I Bacterium Bartonella Henselae II CDC A: BBH Most common bacteria in the world i: Formally known as Rochalimæa II CDC A: CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention i: Estimates in the US that: a: 12,000 people will be diagnosed this year b: 500 people will be hospitalized Cat-Scratch Disease
Causes & Risks I What Causes Cat-Scratch Disease? I Who are at Risk? A: Causes Infected Cats i: Bites ii: Scratches iii: Saliva getting into open wound or eyes I Who are at Risk? A: People at risk i: Cat Owners ii: People who work with or interacts with cats B: Increased Risk i: Those who have a lowered immune system a: Pregnant b: if you have Cancer, Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, or transplanted organs
What are the Symptoms? I: Symptoms A: In Cats i: Generally not affected by the disease, they don’t get sick ii: Typically caught from fleas and ticks iii: No recommended treatment 40% of cats get the disease, usually as kittens, according to CDC B: In Humans i: Bump/Blisters at bite/scratch site ii: Swollen Lymph Nodes near bite/scratch site iii: Fatigue iiii: Fever between 98.7 and 100.4 degrees iiiii: Body/Headaches What are the Symptoms?
Diagnosed and Complications I Diagnosed A: Examination i: Diagnosing by symptoms is difficult ii: Blood is Tested for B. Henselae Bacteria II Complications A: Complications Rare i: Neuroretinitis Inflammation of optic nerve/retina causes blurred vision ii: Osteomyelitis Bacterial infection in bones a: Can causes bone damage b: Amputation may be needed iii: Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome Similar to pink eye a: Responds well to antibiotics b: In few cases, surgery is used to remove infected tissue
Treatments I Treatment A: Medicines Not very serious, antibiotics tend to do the trick i: Zithromax ii: Cipro iii: Rifadin iiii: Sumycin Treatments healthypets/diseases /cat-scratch.html healthypets/diseases /cat-scratch.html http://www.sahealth.s nnect/public+content/ sa+health+internet/he alth+topics/health+co nditions+prevention+ and+treatment/infecti ous+diseases/cat+scr atch+disease Cites