GumTree An Integrated Scientific Experimental Environment Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome you all to this talk. In this talk I’ll introduce you our latest Tony Lam (ANSTO) Andy Götz (ESRF) Ferdi Franceschini (ANSTO) Paul Hathaway (ANSTO) Nick Hauser (ANSTO) - presenter
Welcome to the World of GumTree During this talk, I’ll be presenting the latest development of our Graphical User Interface project, called GumTree, for the Neutron Beam Instrument Project at ANSTO. What we are working on now is a Java based Graphical User Interface called GumTree Our mission is to plant GumTree for our beamline users Neutron Guide Hall @ OPAL active spirit in the Internet GumNIX Team GANG OF FOUR + TWO GumTree Mastermind Gum Softtech GumNIX Andy GOTZ (ESRF) active spirit in the Internet TBA Tony LAM First of all, let me introduce our delicate member for this Another active GumTree programmer, me. SICS / Agile Expert Project Leader Visualisation Man Paul HATHAWAY Nick HAUSER Ferdi FRANCESCHINI
Graphical User Interface Control / Status Data Visualization Data Analysis GUI Client Server SIC Server Motors Detectors Ancillaries What we are doing now in ANSTO is to develop a common interface across different instrument Basic Server-Client Architecture Sequencer from PSI Design Goals: Instrument Control and Status No prior knowledge of instrument control system commands Live Data Visualization Preview of the data acquired during experiment Online / Offline Data Analysis Perform analysis on acquired data
GUI for Scientific Experiment Common problems for instrument control GUI Compatibility Ad-hoc. Every instrument is unique Supported OS Platform Platform dependent Multi-Platform but limited GUI widget library. Poor look and feel Functionality A single application may not give access to all aspects of your scientific experiment Interactivity Lack of interactivity between different part of your system for running experiment .…….your desktop may look like this
What make GumTree so unique to other scientific application? This is a type
……would it be nice to have something this like……
Now, thank for GumTree, it provides unified scientific workbench for doing anything you want with your experiment.
Integrated Scientific Experiment Environment Extending the Design Goals: Generic Scientific Workbench Common and uniform interface for all instruments (reduce the user’s learning curve) Support major platforms While maintaining rich functionality and attractive interface Intercommunication between modules Exchange output between all parts of the system Extensible Customisable for different needs User Friendly Simplify the process for automated experiment Computer Geek like come up with some kind of acronym, and we have come up with ISEE Analogue of IDE ISEE – Integrated Scientific Experiment Environment Oh……I see…!!
GUM Enabled Application Embedded data analysis support Support various data formats Use the widget set of your choice Integrate with your visualization package This philosophy fit perfectly into the Grand Unified Model GUM – Grad Unified Model Flexible approach This concept fit perfectly into the GUM theory for the scientific experiment GumTree is the key for GUM Adaptable to different control systems Grand Unified Model
Plug-in Based Architecture Design Issue: Scalability, Reusability Easy to implement and integrate new features Plug-in =
GumTree Project Overview GumNIX GumTree Neutron Beam Instrument eXtensions Extending GumTree for OPAL neutron beam instruments Synchrotron beamlines would create a GumXIX, reusing GumNIX code. HIPD HRPD TAS SANS REFL REST MRPD GumNIX Multimedia Accessaries GumTree Platform DRA VIS UI Your Plug-ins Games Clock Other Eclipse Plug-ins Their Plug-ins Addition Plug-ins Extend your workbench with Eclipse Plug-ins Contribute your work to GumTree Let others to extend your plug-in GumTree Platform A multi-platform standalone application Plug-in architecture Contains logic for running beamline experiment Core Data This is the overview of the GumTree Project. All components are plugins! What makes Eclipse Runtime so unique? Eclipse Plugin Architecture Primarily GumTree was designed to be the GUI for our RRR neutron instrument. Different instrument may require different configuration and customised views. Those will be captured into a set of instrument plug-ins and we have group those plug-ins under a subproject called GumNIX. You may find your problem has been solve Games, Utilities Collaboration Eclipse Plugins Device ACC CS Eclipse RCP Runtime GumTree Project
Extending GumTree Programmers are usually lazy…….
Framework Design Principle GumTree Framework Two ways to extend GumTree: API Reusable library Extension Point minimal programming effort without modifying based code best for integrating unforeseen functionality into GumTree Framework Design Principle A well defined framework is the key for the extensibility of a platform. GumTree Framework consists of API and extension point for extending and customising API Reusable library for creating components on the GumTree Platform Extension Point Extending the functionality of GumTree with minimal programming effort (demo) And without modifying based code…for unforeseen
GumTree Base Technologies Java Cross platform Rich set of Library Object Oriented New Release: J2SE 5.0 (new language enhancement: Generic Types, Variable Arguments, etc) Large community: over 3 Million Developers (2003) Being used in scientific area e.g. ISAW Eclipse Originated as a Java IDE Eclipse is used as both the IDE (JDT) and the building block of GumTree (RCP) Books and Training are available in the market
Eclipse Rich Client Platform Application Framework for making FAT client OSGi Platform A micro-kernel that provides secure and remotely managed service Dynamic plugin installation / un-installation An application framework that provides more than standard graphical widgets Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) Originally used as a middle layer for service delivery for embedded device Eclipse use subset of this
Eclipse Rich Client Platform SWT: Native widgets (FAST!) JFace: High level application components, eg Table, wizard Plug-in architecture Can be written in Java, C or some scripting language Handling Large UI Lazy Activation Help System Tomcat server (local, online) Tutorial, dynamic help, popup help Search Engine Editor GEF, EMF: Drawing Graphics / Data Modelling GumTree and Eclipse
Eclipse Based Applications Integrated Development Environments (IDE) Eclipse JDT IBM Websphere Studio Palm OS Developer Suite Software Modelling Tools Rational Rose XDE Office Applications Lotus Workspace System Tools Intel VTune Performance Analyzer AlterPoint Integrated Network Environment (INE) Geographic Applications Geographic Data Files (GDF) Suite Scientific Workbench (ISEE) GumTree!! Plus Over 600+ Eclipse Plug-ins for free download Rational XDE We are not the onluy Never worry out of plugins GDF Suite
Eclipse Consortium Members Supported by over 50 member companies Collaboration *As of August 2004
Collaboration Synchrotron Source: Neutron Source: More collaboration for us
Future The only thing that can limit you is your iMaGiNaTiOn!! Grid Computing Support Text-to-Speech, Voice Recognition Better Virtual Reality Support (3D Plugin) Scientific Calculator Webcam Support Pushing GumTree / ISEE into other scientific areas, eg Automated Telescope Control The only thing that can limit you is your iMaGiNaTiOn!!
Demo: See GumTree in Action You have already seen GumTree in action Hold on! There is something more interesting for developers!
Advantage of Using GumTree Platform Multi platform Save your development time API, extension point, template Modern design (design pattern) Open source Powerful application at no cost Free to join Rich set of reusable libraries Native / Modern Look and Feel Scientists can contribute easily A single scientific workbench that suites everyone’s need……..ISEE!! If you need additional features, someone may probably have done it for us
Life under GumTree GumTree is sexy…. Life under GumTree is relax and sexy
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G U M T R E G U M T R E G U M T R E G U G M U T M R T E R E Time for hacking into the GumTree Demo on building GumTree Plugin G U M T R E G U M T R E G U M T R E G U M T R E G U M T R E