Comparative Analysis of Quality Management in Public Administrations in the EU Member States The DG’s acknowledged the importance of the e-Gov and encourage that work will be taken forward in the context of the network bearing in mind the evaluation reorientation. As a result of the two working group meetings, it was deemed necessary to adopt new working methods, with more clear orientation to results and in closer articulation with the other EUPAN working groups. Furthermore, it had been taken into account the importance of the experience and knowledge added up by the working group as well as the specific character of the aforementioned knowledge. 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Quality Management in Public Administrations in the EU Member States Comparative Review on QM in PA in the EU MS, since 2005; Information for 23 MS: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Comparative Analysis of Quality Management in the EU Member States; Quality Management in Public Administrations in the EU Member States – 2008 Comparative Analysis of Quality Management in the EU Member States; Upgrade of existing Comparative Review (the matrix) 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Purpose To provide a comparative analysis of the area which is central area of operation of the IPSG; To present the results of comparative analysis at the 5QC in October 2008 in Paris; To contribute to improved accessibility of sources for benchmarking and sharing of good practices, through improved transparency and enhanced accessibility of comparative data/information in the QM area 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Expected results Upgraded matrix with comparative review of QM in Public Administrations in the EU MS; Comparative analysis of QM in Public Administrations in the EU MS, with the most current information on the status of QM in PA area in the EU; Publication – printed version, to be disseminated at the 5QC; pdf version – to be published at the EUPAN web page. 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Proposed Timing 2008 Discussion at the IPSG I meeting 18-19 Feb Finalizing the template; Call for updating/providing information 29 Feb Sending the information to Slovenia 28 March Slovenia prepares update of the matrix and draft report 9 May Discussion on draft report at the IPSG II meeting 12-13 May Finalising the report, printing a publication for the 5QC October 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Method for gathering the information (1/2) Template from 2005 as a bases; Existing components: QM approach at the state level, QM strategic documents and initiatives, QM policies, Organisational structure for promoting quality, Excellence models, International quality standards, Quality awards, Benchmarking, CC, Measuring quality of PA, Testing customers’ satisfaction, Training for QM, Publications, Quality tools in PA organisations 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Method for gathering the information (2/2) New components: introductory general information, government support to the use of excellence models and other quality tools in PA organisations, sharing good practices; lessons learned. 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting
Comparative Analysis of Quality Management in Public Administrations in the EU Member States Discussion 18-19 February 2008 1st IPSG Meeting