Congregational Life Cycle BIRTH DEATH Congregational Life Cycle
First Principle: VISION Vision is the current understanding of God’s direction for a congregation that is cast by leadership and owned by everyone in the parish. Vision reflects the core values of the congregation. Vision is the fuel or energy that will drive the congregation into the future with hope and a sense of potency.
Second Principle: RELATIONSHIP How the parish attracts new people into the Christian faith journey, helps current parishioners deepen and mature in their faith journey and nurtures relationships within the church community. Evidence of effective relationship experience is an ever-deepening spirituality, widespread ownership of parish activities and developing new leadership.
Third Principle: PROGRAM Programs, ministries and activities embody the vision of the church and reflect the gifts and vocations of parishioners. Effective programs meet real, identified spiritual, social and emotional needs of people in the neighborhood as well as the church community. Evidence of effective programs is that the church is known for the excellence of its programs, ministries and activities.
Fourth Principle: Management Management are those systems that facilitate orderly decision-making, the allocation of resources, integrates new developments and establishes boundaries. Effective management is efficient, well defined and supports the vision, relationships and programs of the church. Effective management is accountable to the congregation as well as the larger church.
Role of Organizing Principle and Life Cycle Maturity vRPM Adulthood VRPM Adolescence VRPm Empty Nest vRpM Childhood VrPm Retirement vrPM Infancy VRpm Old Age vrpM BIRTH Vrpm DEATH m
Shift in Motivating Criteria Maturity vRPM Adulthood VRPM Adolescence VRPm Empty Nest vRpM Childhood VrPm Retirement vrPM Infancy VRpm Old Age vrpM DEATH m BIRTH Vrpm Vision and Relationships Program and Management
Compiled for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Oakland Compiled for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Oakland by Michal Anne Pepper, Ph.D. with materials from George Bullard, D.Min. Lake Hickory Learning Communities and Office of Congregational Development The Episcopal Church Center