Nutrients and Nutrition
Today we will Name the 6 kinds of nutrient Discuss factors that influence your food choices Expand our Nutrition Vocabulary Examine what nutrients are available thru our food choices
Think of a commercial you have seen for a food product Think of a commercial you have seen for a food product. What are some specific WORDS and IMAGES that the commercial uses to sell their product? Are you influenced by commercials and the food you eat? Warm up
Factors that influence food choices Family and friends Cultural back-round Food availability Time and cost Advertising Nutritional content Personal preferences Factors that influence food choices
With a partner, see if you can name all 6 of the main nutrients SIX MAIN NUTRIENTS
Proteins- nutrients that help your body build, repair and maintain it’s tissue. Examples Meat Fish Eggs Milk Beans Nuts Foods from plants proteins
Amino acids, complete and incomplete proteins Amino acids- the building blocks in proteins Essential Amino Acids- Must come from food. Ex- meat, fish, milk, eggs These contain complete proteins Complete Proteins- Provide all the amino acids your body needs. Ex- meat, fish, milk, eggs Incomplete Proteins- Do not contain all the necessary amino acids. Ex- Most food from plants, beans, nuts You can combine different incomplete proteins to create complete proteins Amino acids, complete and incomplete proteins
CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates- Provide energy for your body. Simple Carbohydrates- Natural sugars, such as those found in fruit and milk products. They enter the blood rapidly Complex Carbohydrates- Starches Ex- bread, rice and starchy vegetables Provide long lasting energy Preferred to that of sugar in candy & pop Excellent source of FIBER CARBOHYDRATES
Fiber- The part of grains and plant food that your body cannot digest Helps move food and waste products through your body during digestion and elimination. NOT a nutrient because it is NOT digested and does NOT provide energy or materials for growth Ex- oat bran, wheat bran, beans, peas, nuts, apples, grapes, green vegetables FIBER
These fats can raise your blood cholesterol level. Fats- provide energy and help the body use certain vitamins more effectively. Saturated fats- found in many animal foods such as meat and dairy products. These fats can raise your blood cholesterol level. 7th B: stopped here FATS, SATURATED FATS
CHOLESTEROL, UNSATURATED FATS Cholesterol- a soft, waxy, fat-like material produced by the body. Ex. Of foods- meat, eggs, dairy products It is NOT found in fruits and veggies, grains or cereals Too much cholesterol in your body can increase your risk of HEART DISEASE Unsaturated fats- found in plant products and fish. Do NOT present the same health risks as saturated fats. CHOLESTEROL, UNSATURATED FATS
WATER Water- helps your body digest food and eliminate waste. Regulates body temperature Cushions joints Drink at least six 8 oz. glasses of water per day. Good for sports How to check if you drank enough H2O? WATER
Vitamins- Nutrients that help chemical reactions take place in your body. Make it possible for your body to process proteins, carbs, and fats Help produce blood cells and certain chemicals. VITAMINS
Fat & water soluble vitamins Fat soluble vitamins- These can be stored in the body Ex- A, D, E, and k Water soluble vitamins- These CANNOT be stored in the body in large amounts. Your body needs 13 different essential vitamins. Fat & water soluble vitamins
Examples of vitamins Vitamin function food source A healthy skin milk, liver good vision fruits, veg C healthy teeth, citrus fruits bones strawberries broccoli Examples of vitamins
MINERALS Minerals- help your body grow and develop Aid in using other nutrients effectively MINERALS
EXAMPLES OF MINERALS Calcium- milk, cheese, green veg. Iron- red meat, cereals, kidney beans Magnesium- dark green veg, nuts, soy Phosphorus- meat, milk, fruits, veg Potassium- fish, broccoli, peas, bananas Sodium- milk, beets, celery, crackers and most other foods. EXAMPLES OF MINERALS
Complete Food Log for the week! Homework