Welcome! BE GOOD and work hard today! Please take out your composition book and pencil
Convert the following: Roman Numerals Guide: I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000 XLIV 17 CCCVII 96 MDCLXVI 101 DCLXXVIII 1,826 DLV 46
Answers: 44 XVII 307 XCVI 1,666 CI 678 MDCCCXXVI 555 XLVI
Roman Republic (509 B.C.E - 30 B.C.E) Romans overthrew the Etruscan King (Tarquin the Proud) and set up a republic in 509 B.C.E. Republic- form of government where people vote for their rulers.
Not all people equal in Roman Republic. Patricians- members of oldest and richest families. Could hold public office. Plebeians- Poorer citizens who paid taxes, served in the army. Could not marry patricians or hold office. Could be sold into slavery if they were in debt.
Plebeians and Patricians #9
Plebeians Fight Back! Livia Octavia Servius Marcus Plebs (5)
Consuls- two leaders of the Republic who were chosen every year Consuls- two leaders of the Republic who were chosen every year. (similar to presidents) Consuls had power in government and led the military. Consuls could veto, or say no to, each other.
Senate- 300 men who were chosen for life. Senate handled daily problems of the government.
Tribunes- government officials who protected the rights of plebeians. Roman laws were carved onto 12 bronze tablets and placed in the Forum in 450 B.C.E. By 250 B.C.E. plebeians could not be sold into slavery over debt and could hold office.
IMPORTANT! We will have a short quiz on Tuesday on Early Rome and the Republic It will include: - Roman Numerals - True and False - Multiple Choice - Venn Diagram
12 Tables…
12 Tables of Roman Law