2015 : R10 Annual General Meeting Name: Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu 7,8 March 2015, Kathmandu , Nepal Good morning/afternoon. Thank you for the invitation to speak to you. It is always a pleasure to meet with Student Members of IEEE and those who have recently graduated and become full IEEE Members. In past presentations, I and other IEEE Presidents have discussed -- with groups such as this -- the benefits of IEEE membership and how you should be a member and stay a member. But my experience over time tells me that – because you are here today – you are already aware of these everyday benefits. Committee: Technical Activities
Goals of IEEE Technical Activities To improve the quality of Region 10 Flagship conferences, seminars, workshops , webinars and various other means to develop technical skills of IEEE members To encourage the members to work towards the goal of IEEE - Advancing technology for Humanity To sensitize the members on the benefits of continuation of membership from students to life member To increase the vibrancy of the region through outreach activities with high technological and societal impact and work towards solving diversity issues 4/4/2019
Tools Subcommittee activities Project Contests Conference and Technical Seminars Skill development programs Outreach Programs Entrepreneurship Development Programs Awards Collaborative events like R10 Congress AIYEHUM
budget S.No Committee Budget in USD 1 Conference and Technical Seminars 14000 2 Humanitarian Technology 6800 3 Young Professionals 16250 4 Women in Engineering 16850 5 History and Strategic Planning --
Humanitarian Technology Activities 2015 Good morning/afternoon. Thank you for the invitation to speak to you. It is always a pleasure to meet with Student Members of IEEE and those who have recently graduated and become full IEEE Members. In past presentations, I and other IEEE Presidents have discussed -- with groups such as this -- the benefits of IEEE membership and how you should be a member and stay a member. But my experience over time tells me that – because you are here today – you are already aware of these everyday benefits. IEEE Region 10 Meeting, Dhaka, 7- 8 March 2015 IEEE R10 HTA2015 Coordinator: Rajnish Gupta
Humanitarian Technology Activities 2014 Activity Report for HTA 2014 10 SIGHTs have been formed in 2014 (till Sept 2014) and some are in pipeline. With this total number of SIGHTs in R10 are 30 against the 47 in IEEE. IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2014 (R10-HTC2014) was held in Chennai, India on 6th to 9th August, 2014. The theme of conference is “Engineering a Sustainable Future for Humanity”. Delivered a talk on Humanitarian Technology in R10-HTC2014.
Humanitarian Technology Activities 2014 Activity Report for HTA 2014 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2015 (R10-HTC2015) will be held in Cebu, Philippines on November 18-22, 2015. The theme of the conference will be ‘Disaster Readiness through Humanitarian Technology’. The Conference. HTAC invited project proposals from its sections to encourage humanitarian activities in the Region. 22 proposals were received from different sections. 4 proposals were selected by the committee for funding.
Humanitarian Technology Activities 2015 Position Name Country of residence Member Ang Boon Chong Malaysia Darwin Jose Raju India David B.L. Bong Malaysia Erwin Daculan Philippines Li Wei Singapore Parkash Lohana Pakistan Rabail Raza Coordinator Rajnish Gupta See Swee Lan Advisor Deepak Mathur Ramalatha Marimuthu
Humanitarian Technology Activities 2015 Objectives Promote engineering and technology for the development of solutions to humanitarian problems through competition and conference. Encourage R10 Sections and individuals to work in the area of Humanitarian Technology. Enhance visibility of HTA and give recognition to significant humanitarian work and projects done by R10 members.
Humanitarian Technology Activities 2015 Organise the IEEE Young Engineer Humanitarian Challenge (YEHC) Objectives To promote engineering & technology for the development of solutions to humanitarian problems. To encourage young engineers to work in humanitarian development areas Timeline Send out CFP : 31 Mar 2015 Deadline for project proposal submission : 25 May 2015 Notification of shortlisted projects & assignment of mentors : 05 July 2015 Notification of final result : 30 Nov 2015 Budget : US$4000 + US$500 from YP
Humanitarian Technology Activities 2015 Select a R10 section to host the IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2016 Objectives To promote engineering & technology for the development of solutions to humanitarian problems To create a formal platform for exchanging ideas on humanitarian issues and discussing how technology can be used to solve some of these issues. Timeline Send out CFP : 03 Mar 2015 Deadline for proposal submission : 01 May 2015 Notification of selected section hosting the HTC : 15 July 2015 Conference : 4th Q 2016 Budget : Seed money of US$5000 from CTA
Humanitarian Technology Activities 2015 Encourage Sections to organise HTA & Encourage R10 conferences to have HT track Objectives Encourage R10 sections to work in the area of Humanitarian Technology through providing grants. Enhance visibility of HTA. Timeline Call for proposal of HT activity : 22 Apr 2015 Deadline for proposal submission by sections : 22 June 2015 Notification of selected sections : 17 Aug 2015 Budget : US$(900 + 500)
Humanitarian Technology Activities 2015 Institute awards to recognise significant contribution in HT & help sections to organise DLP in HT Objectives Give recognition to significant humanitarian work and projects done by R10 sections and members. Enhance visibility of HTA. Timeline Call for nominations for awards : 04 June Deadline for submission of nominations : 01 August Notification of winners (individual & section) : 16 November Budget : US$(500 + from CTA)
Conference and Technical Seminar (CTS) Dr Sri Niwas Singh R10 Annual General Meeting 7 March 2015 Dhaka, Bangladesh Good morning/afternoon. Thank you for the invitation to speak to you. It is always a pleasure to meet with Student Members of IEEE and those who have recently graduated and become full IEEE Members. In past presentations, I and other IEEE Presidents have discussed -- with groups such as this -- the benefits of IEEE membership and how you should be a member and stay a member. But my experience over time tells me that – because you are here today – you are already aware of these everyday benefits.
2015 R10 CTS Committee Chair: Sri Niwas Singh Committee Members: Rajnish Gupta D Guha B Singh Rajpurohit Mianxiong Dong Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars Hung-Wei Wu
CTS 2014 Highlights (1/2) TENCON and TENSYMP: CTS coordinator attended and supported 2014 TENSYMP held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 14-16 April, and 2014 TENCON held in Bangkok, Thailand on 22-25 October. Supported 2015 TENSYMP to be held in Gujarat, India on 13-15 May, and 2015 TENCON to be held in Macao, China on 1-4 November. Selected the host section for 2016 TENCON (Singapore Section). Issued call for proposals for the host section for 2016 TENSYMP with no proposals received Technical Seminars and Distinguished Lectures: Technical seminars: Supported Karachi, Madras, and Malaysia Sections Distinguished Lectures: Supported Indonesia and New Zealand North Sections
CTS 2014 Highlights (2/2) R10 Conference Leadership Training: CTS coordinator attended 2014 POCO held in Singapore on 17-19 July and obtained latest information on how to organize high-quality technical conferences. Discussed latest information on how to organize IEEE technical conferences in the IEEE Region 10 Leadership and Membership Development Forums held in conjunction with 2014 TENSYMP and 2014 TENCON. R10 Seminars: Held in conjunction with 2014 R10 Excom Meeting (Manila, Philippines) on 17 January with the support of Philippines Section Held in conjunction with 2014 R10 Annual Meeting (Kuching, Malaysia) on 28 February with the support of Malaysia Section
CTS 2014 Expenses 1 TENCON and TENSYMP 4,500 2,990 -1,510 2 [USD] No. Item Budget (A) Actual (B) Difference (B-A) 1 TENCON and TENSYMP 4,500 2,990 -1,510 2 Technical Seminars and Distinguished Lectures 1,540 -2,960 3 R10 Conference Leadership Training 2,000 1,922 -78 4 R10 Seminars 2,500 2,460 -40 Total 13,500 8,912 -4,588
2015 R10 Conference and Technical Seminar (CTS) Vision/Mission: To enhance technical activities in Region 10 by promoting: TENCON and TENSYMP(TENCON Spring) Technical seminars in R10 R10 DLP (Distinguished Lecture Program) R10 Seminars held in conjunction with R10 Excom Meeting in January and R10 Annual General Meeting in March R10 Conference Leadership Training Program To act as an interface between Region 10 and MGA/TA/IEEE Conference Operations for issues related to technical activities in R10. To assist R10 Sections by providing available IEEE information, resources and publicity.
Proposed 2015 Projects and Activities (1) 1. TENCON and TENSYMP(TENCON Spring): 2015 TENCON Spring (13-15 May, Ahmedabad, India) to be hosted by Gujarat Section 2015 TENCON (1-4 November, Macau) to be hosted by Macau Section Selection of host section for 2016 TENCON (Singapore Section was selected) Selection of host section for 2016 TENSYMP (Extended deadline for proposals: 5 March 2015) Selection of host section for 2017 TENCON (Call for proposals to be issued by end of May) Selection of host section for 2017 TENSYMP (Call for proposals to be issued by end of July)
Proposed 2015Projects and Activities (2) 2. R10 Seminar held in conjunction with R10 Excom Meeting and R10 Annual Meeting R10 Seminar in conjunction with the R10 Excom Meeting held at Kathmandu Nepal on 25 January 2105. R10 Annual General Meeting on 6th March with the support of Bangladesh Section. The main purposes of the R10 Seminar are to promote IEEE activities in the local area by introducing IEEE activities and giving technical lectures. Two more are being planed.
Proposed 2015 Projects and Activities (3) R10 DLP (Distinguished Lecture Program): R10 will promote DLP activities in R10 by partially funding lectures given by IEEE Distinguished Lecturers and IEEE Fellows. Call for applications for the funds for the DLP is to be issued by the end of March. 3. Organize Mini- POCO in the R10 region: This program is to enhance the quality of technical conferences to be held in R10. This is a 1-1.5 day training session for organizers of already planned and future conference. R10 is planning to hold two program in R10 in 2015.
Proposed 2015 Budget No. Item Budget 1 [USD] No. Item Budget 1 Monitoring of TENCON and TENSYMP 3,000 2 R10 Seminar & DLP (Distinguished Lecture Program) 4,000 3 Mini POCO (2) 7,000 Total 14,000
Plan for History Committee R10 Annual General Meeting Hede Nakazato 4/4/2019
Plan at a Glance (History) Committee Structure Hede Nakazato, Isao Shirakawa, Kukjin Chung, TBD, TBD, TBD, TBD Project / Task Measurable Project 1 Spread the information of the latest Milestones awarded in R10 via R10 Newsletter and Internet media. Project 2 Compile the list of candidate technologies through the committee members. Contact appropriate Sections to start nomination process. Objectives Encourage R10 sections to propose establishments attained in each section for IEEE Milestones. Projects / Tasks Spreading awareness of IEEE Milestones Milestone nomination from China and Korea Timeline Project 1: As required. Project 2: List of candidates by April 2014 and start contacting Sections. Budget Project 1: $0 Project 2: $0 Total Proposed Budget: $0 4/4/2019
Project 1: “Marking Milestones” Project description: Spread the information of the Milestones awarded in R10 through newsletter, HP, and other Internet media. How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives?: Increasing awareness will result more application for Milestones from R10. Project measureable deliverables: # applications Budget breakdown: Total cost = $0 Project Milestones leading to completion: As required 4/4/2019
Project 2: “Spreading Milestones” Project description: Have more Sections to apply for Milestones. How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives?: Having more Sections to apply Milestones will increase the number. Project measureable deliverables: applications from China and Korea. Budget breakdown: Total cost = $0 Project Milestones leading to completion: Compile a list of candidates by April and the start contacting Sections. 4/4/2019
Plan for Strategic Planning Committee R10 Annual General Meeting Hede Nakazato 4/4/2019
Plan at a Glance (Strategic Planning) Committee Structure Hede Nakazato, Lawrence Wang, Toshio Fukuda, Akinori Nishihara, TBD, TBD, TBD Project / Task Measurable Project 1 Compile issues having been considered in HQ, other Regions, and Sections. Perform brain storming in the committee starting from the compiled issues. Project 2 After getting the result of Project 1, evaluate the importance and urgency of the issues. Select a few issues to give priorities. Objectives Identifying issues surrounding R10 to be addressed to enhance services to its members through the activities of Sections and to avoid potential problems. Set focus areas to give priorities in R10 activities in a near future among the issues identified in the previous item. Projects / Tasks Compiling issues to be addressed Setting focus areas Timeline Project 1: Compiling issues by June, then having a few brain storm sessions in summer. Project 2: Evaluation by autumn and final recommendation by the end of the year. Budget Project 1: $0 Project 2: $0 Total Proposed Budget: $0 4/4/2019
Project 1: “Finding a Big Picture” Project description: Compile issues to be addressed by R10. How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives?: Compiled issues will serve as a list of alternatives to lead R10 for its future. Project measureable deliverables: A list of issues. Budget breakdown: Total cost = $0 Project Milestones leading to completion: Compiling issues by June, then having a few brain storm sessions in summer. 4/4/2019
Project 2: “Be Focused” Project description: Identifying a few issues to be addressed in R10 activities in a near future. How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives?: This project will attain our objective. Project measureable deliverables: A few focus areas with convincing reasons, of course. Budget breakdown: Total cost = $0 Project Milestones leading to completion: Evaluation of listed issues by autumn and final recommendation by the end of the year. 4/4/2019
Women in Engineering (WIE) Coordinator Name: Supavadee Aramvith 7-8 March 2015, Dhaka, Bangaladesh Good morning/afternoon. Thank you for the invitation to speak to you. It is always a pleasure to meet with Student Members of IEEE and those who have recently graduated and become full IEEE Members. In past presentations, I and other IEEE Presidents have discussed -- with groups such as this -- the benefits of IEEE membership and how you should be a member and stay a member. But my experience over time tells me that – because you are here today – you are already aware of these everyday benefits. R10 Annual General Meeting
Statistics of R10 WIE AGs
Statistics of R10 WIE AGs
WIE 2014 Highlights Promotion of forming new R10 WIE AGs 3 new Section WIE AGs were formed (Uttar Pradesh, Australian Capital Territory, Macau) 2 Section WIE AGs were reactivated (Taipei, Western Australia) 30 new Student Branch WIE AGs were formed R10 WIE Support Fund Received 27 proposals from 21 Sections and Selected 23 proposals from 17 sections as recipients 18 projects are completed and submitted reports before the deadline
WIE 2014 Highlights R10 WIE Awards 2013 IEEE Region 10 WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award Kerela Section WIE 2013 IEEE Region 10 WIE Student Branch Affinity of the Year Award Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (Delhi Section) 2014 IEEE Region 10 GOLD/WIE Professional Volunteer Award Ms. Sarada Jayakrishnan (Kerela Section) 2014 IEEE Region 10 Student Volunteer Award Ms. Rajlaxmi Chouhan (Kharagpur Section) R10 WIE Track at TENSYM 2014/TENCON 2014, R10 HTC and Alyehum 2014 were successfully organized
Women in Engineering Coordinator Project / Task Measurable Committee Structure Chair: Supavadee Aramvith Members: Takako Hashimoto, Rosanna Chan, Lee Yoot Khuan, Amanthi Rayanake, Girija Chetty, Emi Yano, Vijayalata Yellasiri Project / Task Measurable Project 1 No. of newly created WIE AG Identify key-persons in Sections that have no WIE AGs or inactive WIE AGs A number of activities in inactive WIE AGs Project 2 Number and Quality of submission (Section WIE Ags/Student branch WIE AGs/less active or inactive WIE AGs) Number of awarded project / quality of the project Outcome (report) for the R10 newsletter Project 3 Number of outstanding WIE volunteers to be nominated for consideration of MGA Awards Project 4 Quality of the program Number of participants Outcome (report) for the R10 Newsletter Objectives Promote women involvement in science and engineering in R10 Facilitate the development of supporting program and activities of WIE in R10 Enhance networking and knowledge sharing of WIE Recognize WIE’s outstanding achievement in R10 and promote nominations for MGA awards from R10 Projects / Tasks Encourage new R10 WIE AG formation and sustain in-active WIE AGs R10 WIE Support Fund 2015 R10 WIE Award 2015 WIE Awareness through R10/WIE events Budget Project 1: $1,200 Project 2: $8,000 Project 3 : $550 Project 4 : $1,900 Travel Expense : $4,000 (WIE in-person meeting, R10 Congress) Total Proposed Budget: $15,650 (11,209.96 ) Timeline Project 1: Completion by December 2015 Project 2: Completion by December 2015 Project 3: Completion by December 2015 Project 4: Completion by December 2015
Project 1 : Encourage WIE AG Formation/Sustain inactive WIE AGs Project objectives : to show benefits of forming WIE AGs in diversified areas in R10 and how it will enhance networking among women engineers and to encourage in-active WIE AGs to carry out some activities How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives? : Target new WIE AGs area/inactive will be identified. Face-to-face meeting/Skype meeting will be conducted to guide the formation and to learn problem of inactive WIE AGs Project measureable deliverables : (1) Number of newly established WIE AGs (focus at least 3 Section AGs out of South Asia) (2) Identify key-person in section that have no WIE Ags (3) A number of activities in inactive WIE AGs Budget breakdown Expenses ($1,200) Project Milestones leading to completion : By December 2015
Sections that do not have Section WIE AGs Please promote WIE AG(s) formation in your Section ! Australia Council Beijing Chengdu Daejeon Fukuoka Harbin Karachi Kwangju Nagoya New Zealand Central New Zealand North New Zealand South Northern Australia Philippines Sendai Shikoku Shinetsu Sri Lanka Taegu Tokyo Vietnam Wuhan Xian
Project 2: WIE Support Fund 2015 Project objectives : to help initiate and motivate new projects activities in WIE R10 by providing full/partial support fund for project implementation to the section AGs How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives? : (1) Seed funds partially help establish/continue the implementation of full scale projects in various R10 sections WIE AGs (2) Full support fund for small scale project implementation to student branch WIE AGs (3) Encourage proposal submission from less active/inactive WIE AGs Note: All project submissions require endorsement from Sections. Project measureable deliverables : (1) Number and Quality of submission (Section WIE Ags/Student branch WIE AGs/less active or inactive WIE AGs) (2) Results of selection / quality of the project (3) Outcome (report) for the R10 newsletter Budget breakdown – Total $8,000 (20 projects) Expenses – Section WIE AGs ($500 x 10 projects)/Student branch WIE AGs ($300 x 10 projects) Income From Region 10 ($8,000) From other sources : Sections/Universities/Industries (matching fund at 50% for Large Section/ 25% for Medium Section) Project Milestones leading to completion : Call for proposals (7 March 2015) Deadline (30 April 2015) Review/Announcement (30 May 2015) Implementation [June – November 2015]
Project 3 R10 WIE Awards Project objectives : to identify outstanding WIE AGs and excellent WIE volunteers to receive R10 WIE award and nominate those to be considered for MGA Awards How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives? : recognize the best WIE AGs and excellent volunteers to be nominate for MGA awards Project measureable deliverables : Number of outstanding WIE volunteers to be nominated for consideration of MGA Awards Budget breakdown ($550) Expenses Group Awards 2014 IEEE Region 10 WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award (Cash prize : $250) 2014 IEEE Region 10 WIE Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Award (Cash prize : $250) Individual Awards 2015 IEEE Region 10 WIE YP/Professional Volunteer Award (Certificate) 2015 IEEE Region 10 WIE Student Volunteer Award (Certificate) Income From Region 10 : $550 Project Milestones leading to completion : Calls for nomination deadline by June 30, 2015, Award announcement – 1st week of October 2015
Project 4: WIE Awareness through R10/WIE events Project objectives : To enhance networking and knowledge sharing of WIE in Region 10/dynamic web pages/social media How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives? : To enable support/co-organize the following flagship conferences in Region 10 (tentative list) WIE track at TENCON/TENSYMP 2015 (October/May 2015) WIE track at R10 HTC 2015 (December 2015) WIE track at R10 Congress (July 2015) Project measureable deliverables : (1) Quality of the program (2) Number of participants (3) Outcome (report) for the R10 Newsletter Budget breakdown – Total $1,900 Expenses Assistant fee $250 Consumable/stationary $250 Honorarium for speaker $600 Attendance to WIE track $800 Income From Region 10 ($1,900) Project Milestones leading to completion : by December 2015
2015 WIE Schedule at a Glance Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec R10 Meet WIE In-Person Meeting TENSYM 2015 R10 SYPW Congress WIE Summit TENCON HTC CFP for WIE Fund (7 March 2015) Deadline for WIE Fund (30 April 2015) Notification for WIE (30 May 2015) CFN for WIE Group Award(End of May) Deadline for WIE Group Award(End of Jul) Notification for WIE Group Award (1st W of Oct) CFN for WIE Volunteer Award(End of Aug) Deadline for WIE Volunteer Award (End of Oct) Notification for WIE Volunteer Award (1st W of Dec)
Welcome to Region 10 Young Professionals 2015 Plans and Programs Ranjit R Nair Young Professionals Coordinator, Region 10 ranju@ieee.org 7 March 2015
GOLD to Young Professionals New Name, New Feel! “Graduated from their first professional degree within the last 15 years. There will be an opt-in option available for members that do not meet this criteria.” The name, “IEEE GOLD” was not instantly recognized as a Young Professionals Group Increase member awareness and engagement Special thanks to Timothy Wong
119,565 Young Professional Members worldwide 119,565 Young Professional Members worldwide* Re-branding has increased membership by 120%** (since July 2014) Region 7: 5,892 Region 1: 6,496 Region 2: 6,119 Region 3: 7,102 Region 4: 5,958 Region 5: 6,605 Region 6: 11,536 R1-6 Total: 43,816 Region 8: 29,465 Region 9: 5,468 Region 10: 34,924 * based on November 2014 Membership Development report ** 54,251 Young Professional membership as of July 2014
Young Professionals in Region 10 We have 34, 924 Young Professionals in R10 We form 30% of the Region 10 membership Dynamic volunteers who are key to make OUs vibrant We have 29 Young Professionals AG in R10 (potential of having 28 more!!) Please start an AG if you don’t have one, and Sections with AG – please support them to become vibrant! 4/4/2019
Young Professionals Committee Project / Task Measurable Committee Structure Chair: Ranjit R Nair Members: Markus Wagner, Hao-Chiang Shao, Ajin Baby, Piyush Malviya, Anand B, Priti Kovalli Project / Task Measurable Project 1 Promoting formation of two new AG’s and invoking plans to revive the dormant Young Professional AG’s Start Up grant for new AG’s to promote activities Project 2 Setting up of 2 Entrepreneurship Working group among AG’s Hosting an Entrepreneurship Summit Project 3 R10 YP Initiatives Grant for AG’s proposing new initiatives for better member engagement Promote Inter Section YP events for enhanced activities among Section AG’s. Project 4 Institute Awards for the Best Affinity Groups and Best Young Professionals Volunteers Objectives Promote strategies to facilitate the transition from Student Member to higher grade Promote and coordinate the establishment and support of Young Professionals Affinity Groups. Engage YPs and encourage recognition of Young Professional activities performed by individuals/AG’s. Projects / Tasks Young Professionals Vibrancy Project Setting up of EWG and hosting Entrepreneurship Summit Initiatives Grant and Awards Program Budget Project 1: $4000 Project 2: $2000 Project 3: $2500 Project 4: $1250 Total Proposed Budget: $4000+$2000+$2500+$1250+$500(AIYEHUM)+$4000 (YP Coordinator Travel= $14250 Timeline & Metrics Project 1: Completion by Dec 2015 Project 2: Completion by Sept 2015 Project 3: Completion by Nov 2015
Appendices: Project 1: Young Professionals Vibrancy Project & AIYEHUM Project description: Promoting formation of two new AG’s and invoking plans to revive the dormant Young Professional AG’s Regularizing the communication channel and setting up platform for interaction and collaborative programs with YP reps from various IEEE Societies. Supporting the AIYEHUM Project How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives? Helps in sustainability of present AGs and growth of YPs in potential areas Project measureable deliverables Formation of two new Affinity Groups & Reviving five dormant AGs Supporting the AIYEHUM project Budget breakdown Expenses - $4000 + $ 500 (AIYEHUM)
Project 2: Setting up of EWG and hosting Entrepreneurship Summit Project description: Setting up of 2 Entrepreneurship Working group among AG’s and hosting a Entrepreneurship Summit. How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives? One of the major recommendation from YP members was to promote Entrepreneurship and this objective will be met. Project measureable deliverables Setting up 2 Entrepreneurship Working group Hosting a Entrepreneurship Summit Budget breakdown Expenses - $2000 Income From other sources - $ 2,000 (Anticipated as sponsorship for Entrepreneurship Summit!)
Project 3: Initiatives Grant and Awards Program Project description: Support R10 Young Professionals Affinity groups initiatives/flagship events How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives? Encourage more number of focused and quantifiable YP activities leading to enhanced member engagement and improved visibility for Regional Young Professionals. Project measureable deliverables Call for nominations for proposals for events Expert evaluation for the received event proposals Reporting of events back to R10 Budget breakdown Expenses - $ 2500 (max of $500 each X 5 nos)
Project 4: Young Professionals Awards Program Project description: Recognizes substantive projects/achievements of R10 Young Professionals Affinity groups initiatives/flagship events and Institute Awards for the best Affinity Groups and Young Professional Volunteers How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives? Recognizes activities/initiatives of Young Professionals and Affinity groups that helps promote Young Professionals in Region 10. Project measureable deliverables Call for nominations for awards (Award description on next slide) Expert evaluation for awards and award announcement Budget breakdown Expenses - $1250 – ($250 X 5 awards)
Project 4(contd.): Member Recognition Institute Awards for the best Affinity Groups with the following criteria AG with more number of quality activities AG with highest member increase and retention Institute Award for the Best Young Professional Volunteer With Industry Contribution With Academia Contribution With Entrepreneurial/Innovation Contribution 4/4/20194/4/20194/4/2019