Avoiding Plagiarism and Using Library RESources Writing Across the Curriculum Fellows Jake Cohen and Claire Hoogendoorn Bronwen Densmore, Ursula C. Schwerin Library November 11, 2014
Workshop Agenda Understanding plagiarism Strategies for preventing plagiarism Educate students and explain research Library support Design plagiarism-resistant assignments Teaching paraphrase Responding to plagiarism
I. Understanding Plagiarism “Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity.” – NYCCT statement on academic integrity “Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity.” – NYCCT statement on academic integrity “Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity.” – NYCCT statement on academic integrity
Brainstorming Questions How do you address plagiarism with your classes? Are there kinds or levels of plagiarism? What, in your opinion, are the main causes of plagiarism? 4
Common Justifications and/or Actual Reasons for Plagiarism: “I didn’t know this was plagiarism.” “But, my professor asked for two quotations and that’s what I did!” “My writing isn’t good enough.” “My English isn’t strong enough.” “I’m not an expert in this topic, what could I possibly have to say that’s important?” “I can’t write this entire paper tonight!”
Unintentional Plagiarism Students aren’t always trying to cheat when they plagiarize! (Sometimes they do cheat) “Good faith” citation errors Bad Paraphrasing Cultural differences
II. Strategies for Preventing Plagiarism
1. Education and Awareness Discussion, assignment, handouts Student workshop in the spring Pedagogical purpose of research “Coach” not “Police” Provide students with examples Baruch library tutorial Quiz Model correct citation format
Group Exercise: Gray Areas (Sample from Plagiarism Quiz on Handout) 4. “After my friends and I had a big discussion and disagreement about the reading, I used some of our points in my paper.” NO 6. “I read an article on the internet, used some parts of it word-for- word in my paper, and listed the article on my works cited page.” YES 11. “My tutor rewrote my thesis statement to change it from a summary to something that opens up an argument.” YES This quiz was originally generated by the Freshman English Office at the University of Connecticut; small adaptations were made by Rebecca Devers.
2. Library Support Collaborate with library faculty to develop research skills throughout the semester. Make sure you are familiar with local collections. Different libraries (even within CUNY) can have very different resources available. Be clear with your students about what kinds of resources you want them to use: feel free to guide them to books or databases that will be fruitful. Librarians are available to help you develop subject and research guides for your class. Pathfinders can be helpful in intro and advanced classes. Urge students to visit the reference desk or schedule research consultations with librarians.
Library Resources Library subject specialists: http://cityte.ch/dir Library catalog: http://cityte.ch/cat Library databases: http://cityte.ch/db Tutorials and Subject Guides
3. Plagiarism-Resistant Assignments Guide students to outside sources Disciplinary specific! Scaffolding Use unique details in assignments Empower Students
Scaffolding and Low-Stakes Assignments Informal writing assignments (in-class or homework) Discrete steps Facilitate understanding of class material Process course content No pressure to be “right” Examples of some plagiarism-resistant scaffolding Teach quotation Peer review Justify inclusion of resources cited
Sample Scaffolded Schedule Assignment: Find an idea in one of the assigned critical readings of Jane Eyre with which you disagree. Figure out why you think it is wrong, and write a 5-7 page persuasive essay arguing for your own, “better” reading… In-class summary of novel: 10% of grade – 10/25 Summary of idea with which you disagree: 10% of grade – due 11/1 Annotated bibliography of at least 2 sources that support your reading: 10% of grade – due 11/8 First Draft: 10% of grade – due 11/21 Peer Review Participation: 10% of grade – 11/21 Second Draft: 50% of grade – due 11/26
Use Details in Assignments Current events Specific, novel/unique applications of concepts (Original): “Define and explain classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and social learning” (Revised): “Professor Catlove opens a can of cat food and his cats run into the kitchen purring, meowing, and rubbing his legs. What examples of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and social learning are at work here?” -Bean, John C. Engaging Ideas. 2nd Ed. 2011. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Empower students Avoid discouraging feedback Students’ opinion Example: Thought question Avoid discouraging feedback
4. Teaching Paraphrase Paraphrasing is difficult Tough cognitive ability (native and ELL students) Developing paraphrasing skills Beyond summary synthesis Develop student voice Model good paraphrasing Understand course content
Group Exercise Revise the following assignment to make it more plagiarism-resistant, using strategies such as scaffolding, using specific details, and incorporating low-stakes assignments, etc: “Write a 10-15 page paper on the role of technology in education.”
III. Responding to Plagiarism
Detecting Plagiarism We have to report every case of plagiarism. Electronic resource for suspected plagiarism: SafeAssign
Academic Integrity Committee Refer to the Academic Integrity Policy Manual for info about how to report cases of plagiarism. While the consequences for plagiarizing are very serious, it is still possible to respond constructively and make sure that your students understand what is expected of them moving forward.
Recommended Discuss you your expectations when introducing any assignment. Checklists can help. Keep copies of student work, including any written comments or feedback you’ve given. Keep records of your interactions with the student (office hours, conversations, etc.). Schedule a meeting with your student to discuss which elements of their work failed to meet standards listed on your syllabus. If passing the class is still a possibility, make sure students understand what kinds of grades they will need to achieve.
Contact Jake Cohen: jcohen@citytech.cuny.edu Bronwen Densmore: bdensmore@citytech.cuny.edu Claire Hoogendoorn: choogendoorn@citytech.cuny.edu NEXT WORKSHOP: The Creative Classroom, Tu 12/9, Namm 1105 http://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/writingacrossthecurriculum