Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program Jen Erickson, MHA, MS Program Manager, Illinois PMPnow April 11, 2019
Objectives Basic understanding of Controlled Substance Act and Public Act 100- 0564 Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Access to the PMP Data contained in the PMP PMPnow Illinois Opioid Data How can we work together?
Acronyms CDC – Centers for Disease Control EHR/EMR – Electronic Health Record System, Electronic Medical Record System IDFPR – Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation IDHS – Illinois Department of Human Services IDPH – Illinois Department of Public Health PDMP/PMP – Prescription Drug Monitoring Program/Prescription Monitoring Program SAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Brief History 1986 - PMP began tracking Schedule II medications 2007 – Schedule III, IV and V medications 2008 – PMP Website went live 2012-2015 – Controlled Substance Act 2018 – Public Act 100-0564
Controlled Substances Act 720 ILCS 570 Illinois Controlled Substance Act Criminal Offenses Controlled Substances detailed out in compound/mixture by Level IDFPR Licensed Physician Assistants, Licensed Advanced Practice Registered Nurses and Prescribing Psychologists Guidelines on supervision and practice with regards to Controlled Substance Electronic Prescribing when done in accordance with federal rules for electronic prescriptions – when not excluded in the Controlled Substance Act
Illinois Public Act 100-0564 January 1, 2018 – prescribers possessing an Illinois controlled substance license became required to register with the PMP. Documented attempt to access patient information Exceptions: oncology treatment, palliative care or 7-day or less provided by Hospital Emergency Department for acute or traumatic condition Unsolicited reports: 3 prescribers, 3 pharmacies or both within 30 days Data elements collected by the PMP Pharmacy reporting requirements – end of the next business day Electronic integration of pharmacy records with the prescriber’s EHR.
Federal Grants CDC – Prescription Drug Overdose – Prevention for States Enhance PMP Community Intervention SAMHSA State Targeted Response (DASA) EHR Connections Harold Rogers PDMP Grant
Access to the PMP Designated Groups Prescribers with a controlled substance license Physicians Nurse Practioners Physician Assistants Prescriber Designees (limit 3 per prescriber) Pharmacists Law Enforcement Officers (curated access) User name and password Prescribers with a controlled substance license are required to register regardless of practice. IL PA 100-0564 Pharmacists/ dispensing LEO – limited indirect access and have specific criteria that must be met to obtain information. User Name and Passwords – should be treated the same as access to the Hospital/Practice EMR, or you Debit Card/PIN
Patient Search
Patient Record
PMPnow Integration between IL PMP and EMR Allows for faster access in prescribers work flow in milliseconds Reduces need for logging in to the IL PMP Website Prescribers need to log in at least once within 364 days to keep account active Prescribers may not have access to all features of the PMP website via the EMR connection. Working to achieve parity.
How can we work together? Assist Prescribers with Public Act 100-0564 Encourage prescribers to maintain their PMP accounts Assist Administration and the Information Systems Departments in connecting the EHRs to the PMP Provide provider files with certain data fields and our team can let your office know if providers are compliant Encourage prescribers to maintain the confidentiality of their user names and passwords
References Controlled Substances Act: Controlled Substances Act, Updates January 2012:
Additional Contact Information - email question link Forgot Username link Forgot Password link Tech Center Phone: (217) 524-1311 Fax: (217) 557-7975 Jen Erickson, MHA, MS (217) 524-8300