Dissemination of A64 data Doc.A6465/18/05(a) Dissemination of A64 data Working Group on Articles 64 and 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 21+22 March 2018
Content of this presentation Policy reminder CIRCABC EUR-LEX Dedicated section on Eurostat's website Statistics Explained Public data tables and metadata Suggestions for improvement
Policy reminder
Current A64 dissemination policy Chapter XII of the Methodology Manual summarizes agreed policy and implementation Specific rules regarding treatment of confidential data Specific rules for collection and dissemination of detailed price information from ECP European Statistics Code of Practice requires equal treatment of all user groups Specific procedural rules on Commission expert groups Specific WG agreement 2015+2017 on Analytical Categories Otherwise, Transparency Regulation 1049/2001 (unless exceptions apply)
What is CIRCABC ? CIRCABC (Communication and Information Resource Centre for Administrations, Businesses and Citizens) is the central documents repository used by working groups within the European Institutions. Two interest groups important in our context: Public with approved documents after they have presented in the working group meeting Restricted: Working group participants and authorised observers
What is EUR-LEX ? EU law and other public EU documents, for example: Staff Regulations Communication about the annual update of the salaries published in the 'C' series of the Official Journal
Dedicated section on Eurostat's website
What is a dedicated section? Page on Eurostat website which aims to provide an introduction to a statistical topic and links to further information, including methodology, data and reports The "Civil Servants Remuneration" pages were launched in November 2015
Visitors to the Dedicated Section Internal External 2018 Jan 181 1 964 2017 Dec 305 1 979 Nov 1 024 3 309 Oct 1 354 3 446 Sep 429 1 547 .. 189 1 421
Where is the A64/A65 dedicated section? Statistics A- Z Civil servants remuneration
Structure of the Dedicated Section Page on Eurostat website which aims to provide an introduction to a statistical topic and links to further information, including methodology, data and reports The "Civil Servants Remuneration" pages were launched in November 2015
“SEE ALSO” column includes links, eg.: Compendium of HICP reference documents ECP method manual A64 methodology manuals (Intra-EU, Extra-EU,JBLI) Eurostat
Free data tables A64
Extractions from the A64 free data tables Internal External 2018 Jan 14 486 2017 Dec 64 301 Nov 60 727 Oct 73 648 Sep 88 531 .. 85 281
Existing tables A64 free data tables - CC Uploaded after publication in Official Journal “S1” = Annual data @ July, series from 2004 “S2” = Intermediate data @ December, only if applicable Intra-EU only: Extra-EU will be implemented when workload permits
NEW live 05/2017 A64 free data tables - PPP Uploaded after publication in Official Journal “S1” = Annual data @ July, series from 2004 “S2” = Intermediate data @ December, only if applicable Intra-EU only: Extra-EU will be implemented when workload permits
Statistics explained
What is “statistics explained”? ”Statistics Explained” is a Eurostat website with articles presenting statistical topics in an easily understandable way. Together, the articles make up an encyclopedia of European statistics, completed by a glossary clarifying all terms used and by numerous links to further information and the very latest data and metadata, a portal for occasional and regular users alike. 22
Article 64 Statistics Explained Went live in November 2015 Due to change of Eurostat Communication policy, the Statistics Explained part on Article 64 and 65 will now be integrated into the dedicated section 23
Any suggestions for improving our dissemination practices? Questions or remarks?
Thank you for your attention!