Outline of Presentation Where is your Student Organization Receiving Funds from? Heel Life Student Organization Finances Page Transaction Types Need Different Documentation Reimbursement Vendor Payments UNC Charge Service Agreement Purchases over 5k Unique Tax Needs – Independent Contractor How to Fill out the Form Purchase Classification Types Needs Summary for Types of Transactions Top 10 things to Remember
Financial Officer Responsibilities Maintaining current and accurate records of all transactions Having the latest ledgers and spreadsheets Ensuring the accuracy and validity of all financial paperwork relating to your organization to other leaders and advisor. Communicating with both your organization and CU staff regarding organizational changes & updating Heel Life (& External Sources)
Where do you keep your money? External Sources to the University (Off-Campus Account) Confer with Carolina Student Legal Services Carolina Union Student Organization (CUSO) Account Organization receives funds from a Student Governing Body Organization receives funds from a Student Fee Organization receives funds from a University Department Organization receives University Development Funds
Where is your student organization receiving funds from?
Student Enrichment Funds CUSO Management Student Fee Funds Student Government – Undergraduate Senate Student Government - GPSF Campus Safety & Security CUAB Masters in Accounting MBA Pharmacy Student Senate RHA Senior Class Enrichment Spurgeon Dental Society Undergrad Teaching Award Whitehead Medical Society Student Enrichment Funds Development & Giving University Department Agency Funds Student Legal Services Student Religious Organizations Student TV WXYC Radio
Heel Life: Student Organization Finances Go To: https://heellife.unc.edu/organization/rsofinances Ask to Join:
Heel Life: Student Organization Finances Scroll to the Bottom of the Page for Updated Documents:
6 Parts of this Form: Purchase Type & Payee Information Funding Source Purchase Details Event Details Description/Purpose/Notes Authorization CUSO Form: Financial Transactions
CUSO Form: Purchase Type Purchase over 5k: Reimbursement: Any purchases over $5k will be considered a Purchase Order (PO) by state law. Service Agreement: Any agreement under $5k that must be signed requires University Purchasing to review agreement and signature. UNC Charge: Any charge that is internal to the University (i.e Event Services, Carolina Catering, Print Stop) Reimbursement: Any time a student or staff member make a purchase on behalf of the organization under $5k (and not travel). Vendor Payment: Any time an invoice should be paid to a business for services or product provided.
CUSO Form: Purchase Type Quick Tips with Links to Forms We’ve tried to make it easy. Quick Tips with Links to Forms
Transaction Types Need Different Documentation
Reimbursement (Student, Staff, or Faculty) Any time a student or staff member make a purchase on behalf of the organization under $5k (and not travel). Required on the Form: Full Name PID of the person getting reimbursed Official UNC Email Are they a current UNC Employee? If Yes, then nothing else is needed. If No, a Direct Deposit Form is Required. The form can always be found on Heel Life. Direct Deposit Authorization Form Who is the person getting reimbursed? PID of the person getting reimbursed Official email of the person getting reimbursed Yes or No (If No, direct deposit form required)
Vendor Payment Vendor Payment: Any time an invoice should be paid to a business for services or product provided. Required on the Form: Official Vendor Name (must match W9) Vendor Address Phone Number Have you used this vendor in the last 12-months? If Yes, then nothing else is needed. If No, a vendor packet must be sent to vendor and completed. The form can always be found on Heel Life. New Vendor Creation Packet Official Vendor Name (must match W9) Vendor Mailing Address Vendor Phone Number
UNC Charge UNC Charge: Any charge that is internal to the University (i.e Event Services, Carolina Catering, Print Stop) Required on the Form: University Department Name Campus Box Number or Mailing Address Department Phone Number University Department Name Campus Box of Department Department Phone Number
Service Agreement Service Agreement: Any agreement under $5k that must be signed requires University Purchasing to review agreement and signature. Students, Staff, or Faculty cannot sign any agreement. Required on the Form: Official Vendor Name (must match W9) Vendor Address Phone Number Attach Agreement to this Form as additional documentation. Complete Remaining Portion of CUSO Form Route to Appropriate Controller or Office (pending on where your funding is coming from) For Example some options could be: Student Government – UnionSC@unc.edu CUAB – cuab.finance@unc.edu RHA – rha.finance@unc.edu CUSO – cuso@unc.edu Official Vendor Name (must match W9) Vendor Mailing Address Vendor Phone Number
Purchases over 5K Purchase over 5k: Any purchases over $5k will be considered a Purchase Order (PO) by state law. Email cuso@unc.edu for Guidance
Unique Tax Needs – Independent Contractor When you are contracting with an individual, there may be additional paperwork needed (This often includes DJ’s, Photographers, Single Comedian, etc.). When in doubt, email cuso@unc.edu for additional guidance. The individual you are contracting with should know their legal tax status, but if you have a W9 and you see the following in Box 3 checked – Individual/Sole Proprietor or Single-member LLC – contact cuso@unc.edu for additional paperwork and support. If you are using Student Enrichment Funds, you are not able to use this process due to University Policy.
How to Fill Out the Rest of the Form?
Where is your student organization receiving funds from? CUSO Form: Funding Source
CUSO Form: Student Enrichment Development/Giving: You have worked with Student Life & Leadership Office to set-up a University designation code in order to seek donations from business, persons, or some other entity that wishes to receive a tax receipt donation credit from the University. University Department: You have received funds from a University Department that has transferred those funds to your CUSO Account. Unfortunately, University Policy does not allow Student Enrichment Funds to be used for Speakers (not from an agency), DJ’s, or other independent contractors. Please contact CUSO for additional guidance.
CUSO Form: Student Fee Funds Most expenses will occur from one of these areas, examples include: Either Undergraduate Senate or GPSF has allocated funds to Student Organization Co-Sponsoring with CUAB RHA allocation to CoGo’s Pharmacy, Spurgeon Dental, Whitehead, or MBA allocation to Student Organizations CUSO Form: Student Fee Funds
CUSO Form: Purchase Details CUSO ID # (4#### Student Fee Funds) or Org ID # (3#### Student Enrichment Funds) Check your Heel Life Page: About Section for your ID #’s Name will populate with information entered correctly above Whoever is filling out this form (can be anybody in the organization) Role of the Person Filling out this form (dropdown menu) CUSO Form: Purchase Details See Next Slide for More Details Where did you buy the items on the receipt or invoice? Identify the Receipt or Invoice Number (Can only be used once) Date of Purchase Total Amount on the Receipt If only a partial amount is to be reimbursed or paid by the org OR If a second organization is going to pay for part of this expense
CUSO Form: Purchase Classification The purchase classifications listed below (and on the next slide) are created by the University. The dropdown options will change from time-to-time, so it is important to always download the most recent form from the Student Organizations Finances Heel Life Page. Below is an example of the dropdown and on the next slide are more detail descriptions. CUSO Form: Purchase Classification
CUSO Form: Purchase Classification Purchase Classifications Examples/Description ***** BUILDING RENTAL ***** 524730_Union - Room Charges 558914_Union - Non Room Charges 524980_Union - Rentals Off-Site/Tables ***** COMMUNICATION ***** 527410_Postage ***** SUPPLIES & RENTALS ***** 545340_Equipment Other 524740_Equipment Rental 534110_Food Supplies (Plates, Box of Pasta, etc.) Plastic utensils, paper plates, etc 538110_Non - Educational Supplies Candy, drinks, knick knacks, etc. 531110_Office Supplies Pen, paper, ink, etc. ***** PRINTING & PUBLICITY ***** 527610_Advertising 527510_Printing and Binding Design 558973_Production, Formal/Informal Purchase Classifications Examples/Description ***** OTHER ***** 558921_Food (pre-cooked), Meetings and Amenities Restaurants (Always include a flyer or Agenda) 522927_Professional Fee/Outside Labor ( I/C) Show Pros, Open Book Entertainment, Agencies for Speakers, etc 558924_Gift Prizes Giveaways 558973_Programming/Special Events 558936_Music and Entertainment Swank Motion, Zim Zoom, etc ***** DUES, FEES & REGISTRATION ***** 528310_In State Registration 558310_Membership and Dues 528320_Out of State Registration CUSO Form: Purchase Classification
* CUSO Form: Event Details If the purchase is for an event, then this section must be filled out. What program or your event was your purchase made for? CUSO Form: Event Details The date of the actual program/event (not of the purchase) * How many attended? * If the purchase was food and less than 8 attended, a list of attendees must also be submitted with request.
CUSO Form: Description/Purpose More is better than less (try to get to two lines in description). If you purchase food for less than 8 people, put the names in this box Avoid phrases such as “prizes, giveaways, raffles” CUSO Form: Description/Purpose
CUSO Form: Form Authorization Forms can only be submitted by the President, VP, Treasurer/Financial Officer Officers must be listed in Heel Life Forms must be routed through appropriate controller or to CUSO University Emails serves as electronic signature CUSO Form: Form Authorization
Receipts & Invoices Things to consider: Reimbursements or vendor purchases for Food must always include an itemized receipts. No quotes, estimates, or statements are accepted for payment. Ensure that vendor payments say INVOICE on the document. If this a reimbursement, make sure to include proof of purchase in addition to an itemized receipt. Campus Safety & Security CUAB Masters in Accounting MBA Pharmacy Student Senate RHA Senior Class Enrichment Spurgeon Dental Society Undergrad Teaching Award Whitehead Medical Society
Where to Route Forms Where are the funds coming from? Email to send CUSO Form Undergraduate Student Government unionsc@unc.edu Graduate & Professional Student Federation Carolina Union Activities Board Cuab.finance@unc.edu Residence Hall Association Rha.finance@unc.edu Campus Safety & Security cuso@unc.edu Accounting, MBA, Pharmacy, Senior Class, Spurgeon, Undergrad Teaching, Whitehead Student Enrichment Expenses Campus Safety & Security CUAB Masters in Accounting MBA Pharmacy Student Senate RHA Senior Class Enrichment Spurgeon Dental Society Undergrad Teaching Award Whitehead Medical Society
Example Route for Group Requesting funds from USG RSO with OrgID can begin spending. If RSO does not have OrgID, controller will request one to be created. Student Organization Applies for funds from Undergraduate Student Government Funding is Approved by UG Senate, President Signs, and Bill is sent to Controller Present Request to UG Senate Finance Committee Controller will review expenses for accuracy, if correct they will submit for processing. If incorrect, they will return to financial officer CUSO Processes paperwork Controller submits to CUSO for processing Expenditures for RSO should be emailed to unionsc@unc.edu
Example Route for Group Requesting funds from GPSF RSO with OrgID can begin spending. If RSO does not have OrgID, controller will request one to be created. Student Organization Applies for funds from GPSF Funding is Approved by GPSF Senate, President Signs, and Bill is sent to Controller Present Request to GPSF Appropriations Committee Controller will review expenses for accuracy, if correct they will submit for processing. If incorrect, they will return to financial officer CUSO Processes paperwork Controller submits to CUSO for processing Expenditures for RSO should be emailed to unionsc@unc.edu
Example Route for Groups Using own Funds Organization spending money from Student Enrichment Fees (Old SAFO 13 Account) should fill out CUSO Form Send Paperwork with all information to cuso@unc.edu
Types of Transactions Timeline Type of Purchase Timeline Reimbursements 2 – 3 Weeks Travel 5 – 7 Weeks Vendor Payments 3 – 4 Weeks UNC Charge 3 – 5 Days Independent Contractor 6 – 8 Weeks Service Agreements Under 5k 3 Weeks for Signature and Approval Service Agreements Over 5k 4 – 6 Weeks for Signature and Approval Performance Agreements
Needs for Types of Transactions Reimbursement: PID of person being reimbursed W9 if not a University member Direct Deposit Form (ACH) for first reimbursement (unless an employee) Itemized Receipt with Proof of Payment If it’s for Food, include an agenda or flyer Vendor Payments (under 5k): W9 for Vendor Itemized Invoice If it’s for Food, include an agenda or flyer Direct Deposit Form (ACH) for first disbursement Performance Agreement: Any document that requires a contract for a Performer/Artist (Lecture, comedian, musician, etc) Email bobby.kunstman@unc.edu for more information UNC Charge: Pre-Approval from Funding Source (Student Gov’t) Itemized Invoice Chartfield String of Department to be paid Invoice from Department Service Agreement (> 5k): Any document that requires a signature for a service Submit to CUSO for processing When in Doubt, email cuso@unc.edu and we will help you figure out! Independent Contractor (IC): Individuals doing work for the student organization Must be Pre-Approved IC Paperwork Signed Service Agreement Invoice for Services Rendered W9 for IC Direct Deposit Form (ACH) for first disbursement When in doubt, email cuso@unc.edu for help. ‘ Reimbursements Travel Vendor Payments UNC Charge Independent Contractor Service Agreements Under 5k Service Agreements Over 5k Performance Agreements Purchases < 5k: Email cuso@unc.edu to set up a meeting and discuss in advance.
Top 10 Things to Remember Purchases you cannot make include: Alcohol, Firearms, Gift Cards, Electronics for give-aways. You need more back-up paperwork than less! If you spend money on food, include an agenda if it’s a meeting or a flyer if its an event. Travel must be completed on separate paperwork Only the President, Financial Officer, or Advisor can submit the form to the appropriate party. Student Government (UG and GPSF) Controller (unionsc@unc.edu) CUAB/RHA Treasurer and Controller (cuab.finance@unc.edu) (rha.finance@unc.edu) CUSO Office for other expenditures with appropriate funding source (cuso@unc.edu)
Top 10 Things to Remember Student Organization’s must track their expenses with their own ledger (one can be downloaded from the RSO Finances Heel Life Page) Each transaction and Receipt should have its own CUSO Form (different from SAFO) Winning Point – Everything is electronic! When in doubt, email CUSO@unc.edu When submitting documents, they must be saved as one PDF! Recommend downloading scannable for your phone OR the Student Government or SLL Front Desks in the Union can help you. Save paper copies of all your records as back-up.
Questions? Come by the Student Life & Leadership Desk (or call 962-1157) Come by the Student Government Desk (or call 962-5595) Email cuso@unc.edu