Forward TOF Anton A. Izotov, PNPI
Wall and Side
Forward Wall Height: 140 cm Width : 46x10 cm, 20x5 cm Thickness: 1.5 cm ? Plastic: BC408 PMT : Hamamatsu 4998, 2083 Resolution: 50-100 psec Rate per bar:104-106
Done and to do Desktop tests: since 2008 Beam tests: 2009 Apr 5-6 and more First PANDA money: 2009 April Future beam tests: 2009 December
Desktop tests Sr source (max 2 MeV electrons) 2x2x2 plastic Face-to-face PMT 4998 Constant fraction and/or Offline correction 70 ps for difference or 35 ps for half sum 140x5x1.5 plastic 300 ps for difference Bad collimation?
Beam tests
How it looked like
Results σ=90 ps σ=190 ps Resolution 50-100 ps is possible We see this resolution “Characteristics of the TOF counters for GlueX experiment” Denisov, NIM A494(2002) 495-499 But we need plastic >2.5 cm
In December Thicker plastic (3 cm). More than one bar to reproduce results. Constant fraction. Energy dependence. Coordinate dependence. SiPM’s.
Answers Signal amplitude, expected noise: ≥ 1V, low noise. Time resolution: 50-100 psec. Hit rate/channel, distribution over detector: Max 106 per bar. FE chip: TDC: CERN/ECP-MIC HPTDC. FEE location: as close as possible. Data buffering inside TDC/ADC? Yes. Latency: ? Time ordering: yes. Cannels >130 + side walls (PMT or SiPM) Data rate: 107x2x(ADC+TDC) + side walls Calibration: TDC&CDC time drifts. Else to be discussed. TOF TDC-CDC and TDC-CALO correlation, probably track projection from straw tracker and trajectory length.