Soliloquy and Monologue
Soliloquy When a Character in a book, movie, play, speaks for a long while about what he/she is thinking or feeling WHILE ALONE on stage/screen Sort of “talking to the AUDIENCE ONLY” More common in the Past Shakespeare, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet
Hamlet Soliloquy What kind of Tone and Emotions is the character portraying?
Hamlet Soliloquy Depression Disillusion Anger Hatred Disgust Aimed at his Mother and his Uncle
Romeo and Juliet Soliloquy What kind of Tone and Emotions is the character is portraying?
Romeo and Juliet Soliloquy Love Desire Affection Infatuation
Romeo and Juliet Soliloquy This is someone performing the scene in a drama class This would be a 4+ performance!
Monologue When a Character in a book, movie, play, speaks for a long while about what he/she is thinking or feeling WHILE the other characters are still on the stage/ screen In MOST movies Could be an important scene Or simply a character talking for awhile
Star Wars Monologue Tone and Emotions?
Jurassic Park Monologue Tone and Emotions?
Harry Potter Monologue This is another one in a drama class
Refresher Difference between a Soliloquy and a Monologue?
Refresher Soliloquy: The act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when alone (or to the audience ONLY) Monologue: The act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when NOT alone (with other characters or part of a conversation) Both of these are done by a specific Character in a play, book, or movie
Your Task Select, Practise and Present a Soliloquy or Monologue from a specific Character from TV, Books, Movies, etc. The Monologue should be approximately 1 minute in length MUST be SCHOOL APPROPRIATE No swear words or inappropriate content
What I’m looking for 5 Marks Each
Voice (do you have an appropriate volume?) Clarity (Is what your saying clear and understandable?) Tone (is the tone appropriate?) Emotion (are you displaying the proper emotions?) Personality (are you taking on the personality of your character?) Enthusiasm (are you putting effort and enthusiasm into your performance?) Familiarity (are you familiar with your Monologue? Is it well practised and rehearsed?)
Optional Aspects Accent Movement Body language Attitude
Kids Movies with Popular Monologues A Boy Named Charlie Brown (1969) Finding Nemo (2003) Shrek the Third (2007) Ratatouille (2007) The LEGO Movie (2014) The Lion King (1994) The Point (1971)
What to Do? Step 1: Research and choose your Monologue or Soliloquy Type in _____________________ Monologue Example: Harry Potter Monologue Step 2: Write it out on the worksheet or print it and staple it to the sheet Step 3: Practice your Monologue (Individually) Step 4: Present to the Class