Welcome to the Cross-Cultural Rhetoric Workshop 1
The Fundamental Principles of Olympism: -- Balance of mind, body, and will -- Promotion of a peaceful society and preservation of human dignity -- Sport as a human right -- Mutual understanding, spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play. -- Combating all forms of discrimination
Olympism today?
The First Olympic Flame Berlin - 1936 The First Olympic Flame
London - 1948
Rome - 1960
Montreal - 1976
Seoul - 1988
Barcelona - 1992
Sydney - 2000
Salt Lake City - 2002
Torino - 2006
Beijing - 2008
Vancouver – 2010
“I lift my glass to the Olympic idea, which has traversed the mists of the ages like an all-powerful ray of sunlight and returned to illumine the threshold of the twentieth century with a gleam of joyous hope.” --Pierre de Coubertin
Today’s activities FIRST: Introductions in the small groups SECOND: Analyze the videos that you watched or collected in preparation for today’s lesson THIRD: Develop a sketch for a ad or promotional video LAST: Re-join the groups in this virtual auditorium space and share your ideas Have fun!