Measurement Semantics: “MEASEM” Semantics WG report Measurement Semantics: “MEASEM” D1 AHM, Park City, UT May 15, 2014 Presenters: Mark Schildhauer & Xixi Luo
Participants Mark Schildhauer Xixi Luo Line Pouchard Deborah L. McGuinness (remote) Margaret O’Brien (remote)
Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) for Observations and Measurements All W3C OWL: OBOÉ (ecology), EQ/PATO (genomics), O&M (OGC, ISO 19156)
Focus of D1 Semantics in Phase II Semantics of Measurements: ...binding raw data values to concepts drawn from ontologies ...often through metadata ...using W3C standards for annotation-- PROV, OA facilitate resource discovery and interpretation through enhanced precision and recall of searches
Tools for Semantic Annotation of Measurements Semanteco annotation of CSV’s OBOÉ design pattern D1 Phase I product, and other ongoing work at RPI... GITHUB, Web interface available
Tools for Semantic Annotation of Measurements annotating EML-described data objects OBOÉ design pattern D1 Phase I product, and ongoing work of NCEAS, LTER, others
PHASE II: MEASEM, PROV, and MsTMIP* Focus on semantic clarification of MsTMIP data: Measurements as expressed in Model Outputs and Observational Data Clarify definitions and inter-relationships among Measurements Develop Ontologies with relevant Concepts Annotate MsTMIP data products to Ontologies (tools needed!) Develop UI’s enabling enhanced Precision and Recall in searches Expect enhanced interpretation of variables by Broader Community PROV and MEASEM WG both using W3C Semantic approaches Shared technology infrastructure, tools, and syntaxes (onts, annotations) * MsTMIP== Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project
MEASEM, PROV, and MsTMIP * focus on measurement semantics
MEASEM and MsTMIP Possibly also develop semantic “Taxonomy of Models”?
Phase II MEASEM participants Deborah L. McGuinness, Mark Schildhauer (co-leads) Postdoc (Xixi Luo) Matthew Jones (CCIT link) 1~2 software engineers (Ben Leinfelder, CCIT, +?) Margaret O'Brien two grad student interns Additional members? (Pouchard, BFO rep, ESIP rep?) close interactions: PROV WG and MsTMIP Use Case