Together Everyone Achieves More Welcome to Year 3 Together Everyone Achieves More
The Team Class Teachers Teaching Assistants Mrs Bartley 3C Miss Piper 3E Teaching Assistants Mrs Parker, Mrs Coffey and Miss Nicholson Madame Wilks (French) Mr Smith (P.E.) Mrs Woolley (3C Wednesday) Mrs Robinson and Mr Fox ( Becket Music Teachers)
What do we expect? What does a day in Year 3 look like? From Key Stage 1 To Key Stage 2 What do we expect? What does a day in Year 3 look like?
Year 3 lays the foundations for moving through Key Stage 2 Year 3 lays the foundations for moving through Key Stage 2. It is a big transition to move from Year 2 to Year 3 as the breadth and pace of work increases. As pupils move into Key Stage 2 they are expected to become more independent in proof reading their work and peer assessing. They are expected to change their own reading book after completing the quiz on Accelerated Reader. Being in Year 3 = Being Independent
Year 3 Weekly Timetable
Maths Expectations • Use inverse to check. • Multiply: Compare & order numbers up to 1000. • Read & write all numbers to 1000 in digits & words. • Find 10 or 100 more/less than a given number. • Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 & 100. • Recall & use multiplication & division facts for 3, 4, 8 tables. • Recognise PV of any 3-digit number. • Add & subtract: 3-digit nos & ones 3-digit nos & tens 3-digit nos & hundreds Numbers with up to 3-digits using efficient written method (column). • Use inverse to check. Find the perimeter of regular 2D shapes. • Use inverse to check. • Multiply: o 2-digit by 1-digit • Count up/down in tenths. • Compare & order fractions with same denominator. • +/- fractions with same denominator with whole. • Know pairs of fractions that total 1. • Tell time using 12 and 24 hour clocks; and using roman numerals. • Tell time to nearest minute. • Know number of days in each month.
English Expectations Use conjunctions (when, so, before, after, while, because). • Use adverbs (e.g. then, next, soon). Verbs ending in ly. • Use prepositions (e.g. before, after, during, in, because of). • Experiment with adjectives to create impact. • Correctly use verbs in 1st, 2nd & 3rd person. • Use perfect form of verbs to mark relationships of time & cause. • Correct use of speech marks for direct speech. • Group ideas into paragraphs around a theme. • Write under headings & sub-headings. • Legible, joined handwriting.
Reading Comments on the way characters relate to one another. Knows which words are essential in a sentence to retain meaning. Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts & motives from their actions. Recognise how commas area used to give more meaning. Recognise: plurals pronouns and how used collective nouns adverbs Can explain the difference that adjectives and verbs make.
Yellow Green Red Purple Blue Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Yellow ERIC GR Write an interview or conversation between you and the main character. Remember to write detailed responses for the character Write the blurb for the back of your book Be the teacher Green Red Purple Blue
Homework Homework will be given out every Tuesday. This needs to be returned the following Monday. It will consist of spellings, numeracy, and either literacy, topic or RE. My Maths online resource – 80% is expected result. If children get below this please repeat the activity throughout the week. Children are encouraged to read for 20 minutes each day. This can be a combination of silent reading and reading with an adult. Please sign your child’s diary daily.
How to help your child. Ensure they know all multiplication and division facts for times tables 3, 4 and 8. Encourage your children to use a dictionary and a thesaurus when they read new words to ensure understanding and meaning. Monitor that homework is completed to the best of their ability in pencil and is handed in on time.
Other key points Accelerated quiz – Children will have the opportunity to quiz on the I Pad every day after completing a book. Uniform and PE kit labelled. – All children require rugby shirt and shorts / jogging bottoms for outside and plain t-shirt and shorts for indoor PE. Children need to bring their Musical Instruments every Tuesday. If there is a change in collection arrangements please write a letter or telephone the office.