The Way to Rainy Mountain
Test Question What did they acquire when they were befriended by the Crows?(4) the immense landscape of the continental interior lay like memory in her blood. She could tell of the Crows, whom she had never seen, and of the Black Hills, where she had never been. why ? (5) What about the language feature in para.6? What are the differences when they came down from mountain?(7)
Para.2 Function of para.2? infirm ill/sick and weak(old) to grow old and infirm walk with infirm steps I was told that in death her face was that of a child. Feature of children’s face? She was peaceful and free from all earthly worries and miseries.
Para.3-10 Division? 3 Summary 4 Emergence 5-9 Evolution 10 Decline
Para.3 Golden time and decline I like to think of her as a child. ? For more than a hundred years they had controlled the open range from the Smoky Hill River to the Red, from the headwaters of the Canadian to the fork of the Arkansas and Cimarron. Central and west of Kansas and Oklahoma
CONTENTS Appalachian Range R ocky Mountains ADD YOUR TITLE The Indians of the Great Plains inhabited two major sub-regions.
the central and Southern Plains In alliance with the Comanches, they had ruled the whole of Southern Plains. the Northern Plains the central and Southern Plains Dakota, Montana southward to Nebraska western Kansas, Colorado, eastern New Mexico, and Texas several large tribes who spoke Sioux with Flathead, Blackfeet, Crows(bird people) and some other Indian tribes.(黑脚族,鸦族) Pawnees, Comanches, Kiowas and Arapahos(波尼族,科曼 奇族,阿拉帕霍族) Kiowa
War was their sacred business, Courage; strength warfare for the Kiowas was preeminently a matter of disposition rather than of survival Preeminently To a great degree a matter of disposition Prevailing aspect of nature, tendency She has a calm and introverted disposition
disposition VS. survival unrelenting relentless and not yield Finally his mother relented and gave permission for her youngest son to marry. Never understood ? Westward expension
Staked Plains On the border of Texas and New Mexico Palo Duro Canyon 帕罗杜洛峡谷 In Texas Pillage the act of plundering Fort Sill 锡尔堡 Oklahoma
My grandmother was spared the humiliation of those high gray walls by eight or ten years, but she must have known from birth the affliction of defeat, the dark brooding of old warriors. affliction pain and suffering brooding gloomy, hopeless, sad dark, brooding eyes
Para.4 Emergence My grandmother -----her forebears the last culture to evolve Horse; sun dance…… whose language has never been positively classified in any major group. in a way that leaves no possibility of doubt Her attacker has now been positively identified by police.
It was a journey toward the dawn, and it led to a golden age. the time of day when light first appears the beginning of something their ancient nomadic spirit was suddenly free of the ground ?
so shared in the divinity of the sun It was worshiped by all tribes that regarded the sun as the deity transformed. Mountain people ----plain people No longer were they slaves to the simple necessity of survival; they were a lordly and dangerous society of fighters and thieves, hunters and priests of the sun.
From one point of view, their migration was the fruit of an old prophecy, for indeed they emerged from a sunless world.
Para.5 the immense landscape of the continental interior lay like memory in her blood. Great Plains Black Hills(South D.) Siouan fighting with the White
I wanted to see in reality what she had seen more perfectly in the mind’s eye Pilgrimage holy place where his ancestors lived and thrived in their golden age.
Assignment Para.7--12