Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) & California Emergency Solutions and Housing Program (CESH) August 23, 2018 Cindy Cavanaugh, Sacramento County Emily Halcon, City of Sacramento Anne Moore, Sacramento Steps Forward
Welcome and Agenda Introductions Overview of funding opportunities Local objectives & priorities Local program proposal Timeline & next steps Questions & comments
Overview Bill section HEAP 50213(a)(1) & 50213(b) HEAP 50213(c) CESH 50490 Administrative entity CoC City Funding formula (a) Block grant based on relative size of PIT count (b) Proportional to Point in Time (PIT) count relative to statewide PIT Large City allocation based on proportionate share of CoC PIT City is located in to large cities total PIT Based on PIT, number of rent burdened households and number of persons living in poverty Statewide allocation $350M ($250M (a) & $100M (b)) $150M $53M Anticipated local amount $12.7M ($10M (a) & $2.7M (b)) $5.6M $1.6M Eligible uses No less than 5% to programs for homeless youth Broad discretion for programs, including, but not limited to, prevention, criminal justice diversion, and emergency aid Broad discretion for programs, including CES, housing, emergency aid Administration cap Administrative entity may use no more than 5% for administrative costs related to planning and execution Anticipated timing Applications open 9/2017, due by 12/31/2018, awards no later than 01/31/2019 Applications open 9/2017
Objectives – Developing a Local Program Addressing Immediate Need Able to Implement Quickly Existing Administrative Infrastructure Drive Broader System Change Measure and Evaluate Outcomes
Local Goals One time funds to increase services and spur system change for adult populations, including transition age youth Improve access & increase capacity in single shelter system Improve housing outcomes for sheltered & unsheltered singles Create & enhance connections to other systems of care
Local Proposal Flexible Housing Program Re-Housing & Shelter diversion Common case mgmt. approach Intra-agency case conferencing Flexible Housing Program Re-Housing & Shelter diversion Landlord services Housing supports Flexible funding Case management Single Shelters Outreach/In-reach Programs with Case Management Low/no barrier entry Performance based contracts Coordinated entry Pathways to Health + Home Adult Protective Services Wind Youth Service Center North A Street Program Jail Diversion Outreach Navigators DHA Social Workers
Service Delivery System Work Local Proposal Coordinated Entry Single Shelter Re-Design Navigation Standards Housing Location Approach Service Delivery Shelter Services Re-Housing Jail Diversion
Next Steps & Timeline August 27th September 5th September 12th Written comments Due by CoB bavey@sacstepsforward.org September 5th HEAP NOFA released September 12th CoC Advisory Board 8:00 am @ SETA September 25th County BoS (time TBD) City Council – 5:00 pm September/October Submit HEAP/CESH applications Winter/Spring 2019 Program begins
Local Proposal: Feedback Are there additional objectives we should consider? Are there specific sub-populations we should target? What are important program design considerations (length of assistance, landlord incentives)? Other thoughts?
Local Proposal New/Alternative Suggestions for Funding Briefly describe your suggestion Briefly describe how your suggestion aligns with objectives: Addressing immediate need Able to implement quickly Working within existing administrative infrastructure Drive broader system change Able to measure and evaluate outcomes
Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) & California Emergency Solutions and Housing Program (CESH) August 23, 2018 Cindy Cavanaugh, Sacramento County Emily Halcon, City of Sacramento Anne Moore, Sacramento Steps Forward