Issues in Internetworking The presentation will intensively cover the challenges facing the interlinking process in an organization.
VISION To be the best organization in provision of internetworking services worldwide and making sure that our customers get satisfaction from goods and services they get from us.
MISSION We help you make things easier in your information system and information technology surrounding so that you can save your money, time and limited resources to capitalize on improvement of information system which will reduce insecurity cases all over the world.
Challenges Facing Internetworking Mobility Multihoming Lack of enough resources Wireless network and node mobility are the two main challenges facing networking in an organization which needs to be addressed. TCP is poorly performing in areas where they use wireless transmission .The PCP performs poorly because they are meant to be wired and they cannot operate in regions which has not advanced to the wireless transmission. The multihoming is another challenge facing internetworking whereby different stations are connected to the communication center. Therefore this means that the connected network will have different IP addresses which can either be obtained from the same ISP or different one which will come with the challenge of routing the viewpoint in the networking. The firm might be faced by the problem of not having enough resources which can enable them to connect all the computers in the system.
Geographical Issues Lack of common language Change resistance The firm might be willing to expand its operation by linking different locations but the language of communication will be difficult , therefore will be need for translation which will be an extra expense of the firm. The firm can be willing to do some technological changes but the people in the same locality or in the same firm might be resisting. When we have such barrier it will be very difficult for the organization to interconnect them in the system.
Internetworking Concept to be Integrated Search engines Google Advertisers The company should also try to improve the search engines used in the past so that the information can be easily accessed. Internetworking needs to be well designed so that the process can be swift and faster in internet connections. The organization has to pay Google or any other advertisers for their work which boosts sales of the organization by creating awareness of the products and goods available.
The Possible Partnerships that will be Needed to Participate in the Global Marketplace Arista Riverbed Net scout Arista is tightly focused on data center networking and is one of the company known worldwide for the service the give. Riverbed is the ruler of the roost for important secondary networking products areas. Netscout is a networking performance monitoring and diagnostic company with a major presence in the large enterprise and service provider segments.
Network Design Process Assess needs and costs Select topologies and technologies to satisfy needs Model network work load Stimulate behavior under expected load Perform sensitivity test Rework design as needed