All Hell broke loose… on a trip to Israel in 1994 Were staying with cousins Yitzhak and Nava Zarnitsky and...
Yitzhak and Yossi Zarnitsky - in Israel Sons of Max and Bella Zarnitsky
Yitzhak and Nava Zarnitsky - in Israel Son of Max and Bella Zarnitsky
Found out from the Yurburg group in Tel Aviv that there is a Naividel in town. Called him, told him we might be cousins. He insisted upon seeing us even though we were leaving in hours. Beny Naividel knew only of an Uncle Hillel Naividel and his family He came over and figured out that his grandfather, Meyer Naividel, is on our family tree……He now has a HUGE family
Beny and Regina Naividel - Israel
Hillel Naividel in Yurburg - “Lushka”
Chaika and Mordechai (Mota) Naividel and Cousin
Daughter and First Wife of Mordechai Naividel Murdered in Fall of 1941 in Yurburg
Rosin / Rosen Family
Izhak Rosin and Sarah Beylah Naividel Family
Meir Rose and daughter
Beylah Bass Lerental and Gita Abramsohn Bereznitzky in Tel Aviv 1997
Chana Rochel Naividel Unknown
Shmuel Naividel from Gita Abramson Bereznitzky
Family of Shmuel Naividel
Children of Meir Eliashevitz MURDERED
Rosin / Rosen Family
Hunt for Frank Rosin from Dallas (Rosalin Krelitz) Internet contact agreed to try to find him Shabbat Dinner - Host was his relative! Led me to Loyce Gendel Rubin, his granddaughter She led me to her cousin Yosef Rosin in Haifa
Ber Dov Rosin Family
MEMOIRS by Joseph Rosin Haifa, October 1989 English Edition, October 1994
Grandfather of Joseph Rosin Fania Hilelson Jivotosky Bertzik Rosin Son of Elka Rosin Grandfather of Joseph Rosin Great-grandfather of Fania Hilelson Jivotosky
Joseph and Penina Rosin - Haifa, 1996
Neiman River Yurberik Kybart Western Lithuania
Chapters in my Life by Penina Rosin-Cypkewitz Translated from Hebrew and some supplements Haifa, July 1997
Hilelson Family in Sudarg in 1940 Yehuda Goldberg, Leah’le, Yitzhak, Gershon Elka Leah’s mother, Mina Rosin Hilelson, Yitzhak’s wife
University of Vilnius The History Faculty The Department of Contemporary History Holokaust in Jurbarkas Ruta Puisyte The Mass Extermination of Jews of Jurbarkas in the Provinces of Lithuania during the German Nazi Occupation B.A. Thesis Tutor: Prof. M.Subas (Shub) Vilnius (Vilna) 1997
Krelitz / Krelitz Family
Avraham Mordechai Kreletz Family
Krelitz - Krelitz Ba’Shert Connections Room mates = Cousins? Helen Rosenbloom and Leona Krelitz Sam Krelitz and Jack Fine Who Next?
Grandchildren of Harry and Celia Ellis in 1991
So, I thought I was done. But.... now we need your help
Future Reunion?? Time: 3 years? 5 years? Place: Milwaukee? Minneapolis? Detroit? San Francisco? Florida (in Winter)? Mexico City? Israel? Phoenix (in Winter)? Other Places? Can you help organize it?