The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
A. Importance of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Heb)Ru(a)
Holy Spirit is the point at which the Trinity becomes. personal to Holy Spirit is the point at which the Trinity becomes personal to believer.
2. We live in the period in which the Holy Spirit work is more prominent than of the other member of the Trinity.
3. The current culture stresses the experiential and it is primarily through Him that we experience God.
B. In the earliest period of the Church relatively little was said about Holy Spirit. Early emphasis was upon the Spirit as guiding moving force that produced the Bible, the word of God.
In 4th and 5th Century More understanding in relation to the work of Father and Son. 2nd Century there was a growing emphasis upon the divinity. Various movements during centuries gave emphasis to the Holy Spirit, at the close of 19th century more prominent Role in Theology .
The symbols of the Holy Spirit C. The symbols of the Holy Spirit 1. Breath 2. Wind 3. Dove
Fire Finger of God 6. Oil
D. Names of the Spirit The Spirit of the Lord Isa. 2/11 – 61/1 2. The Spirit of Living God. 2 COR 3/3 3. Spirit of Christ Rom 8/9 4. Spirit of Jesus Acts 16/7 5. Oil of Joy Heb 1/9
6. Spirit of Glory 1 Pet 4/14 7. Helper John 16/7 8. Holy Spirit LK 11:13 9. Spirit of Justice Isa 4/4 10. Promised Holy Spirit Eph 1/13
11. Spirit of Truth John 14/17 12. Spirit of Life Rom 8/2 13. Spirit of Grace Heb 10/29 14. Eternal Spirit Heb 9/14 15. Spirit of Truth 1 John 5/7
Heresies against Holy Spirit Arianism 4th Century He said, I believe in Holy Spirit, which is a power for enlightment and purifying. Holy Spirit is not God and not Lord. But servant of Christ, which is subordinate and obedient to Son in all things, and through Son obedient to God and Father.
The Jehovah witness say it is first creation The Jehovah witness say it is first creation. Holy Spirit is a super power.
The Holy Spirit al-Ruḥ al-Quds (Arabic: الروح القدس, ) al-Ruḥ al-Quds in Islam is mentioned several times in the Quran, and is interpreted by Muslims as referring to the angel Gabriel. [ sura 16 (An-Nahl), ayat 102 ,sura 5 (Al-Ma'ida), ayat 110 ]
Concept of Tridev or Trimurti in Hinduism In Hindu mythology, They believe in the manifestation of the Supreme God in three forms: Brahma – The creator Vishnu - The maintainer or preserver Shiva - The destroyer or transformer
Holy Spirit is O.T. (The work of Holy Spirit in Old Testament). 1. The work of creation . Gen 1/2. The giving of prophecy and scripture Eze 2/2 , Num 24/2 Necessary skills for various tasks. Exed 31/3-5 4. Administration . Gen 41/38 5. Producing Moral and spiritual qualities of Holiness and Goodness. (Holy Spirit will come for special work and on special people.)
Holy Spirit in the New Testament G. Holy Spirit in the New Testament Jesus in His ministry emphasized on the Holy Spirit, Jesus’s Ministry Began with Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit indwells and illuminates the believer.
III. The Holy Spirit teaches and guides and intercedes. IV. The Holy Spirit also works Sanctification in the life of the Believer.
Implication of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 1. The Holy Spirit is a person, not a vague force. 2. The Holy Spirit is fully divine The Holy Spirit is one with the Father and the Son. 3. In the Holy Spirit the triune God comes close, so close as to actually enter into each believer.
GOD BLESS YOU The Rt. Rev. Irfan Jamil Bishop of Lahore
Jesus and the Holy Spirit
When we examine Jesus’ life we find pervasive and powerful presence and activity of the Spirit throughout.
1. The Birth of Jesus Christ A. Both the prediction and the record of the Birth of Jesus points to us special working of spirit. (Luke 1:35, Mathew 1: 20, Mathew 1:18)
Conceived by the Holy Spirit ----- Power of the most High (Old Testament and New Testament )
Filled with the Holy Spirit, even from His mother’s womb, is not by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is rather from the very Beginning uniquely a man of the spirit, even by origin. So that He is Holy, the special son of God .
2. The relation of Jesus and. the Spirit in His Baptism by. John at 2. The relation of Jesus and the Spirit in His Baptism by John at Jordan . John Baptism was preparation, Jesus was going to baptize in spirit. John separates Jesus from the repentant crowd in His Baptism (Luke 3:2).
He is praying, the spirit descends upon Him (Symbol Dove) Divine word given to Him.
3. Holy Spirit and Jesus public ministry Jesus after being anointed by the Holy Spirit started His ministry. He went into the power of Holy Spirit not of His own. Luke 4:14. Isa 61-1-2, Mathew 12:28.
4. Jesus, The Spirit, and Pentecost The final steps in developing the eschatological meaning of Jesus person and ministry in relation to the spirit awaits the post resurrection events of Ascension and Pentecost. The Pentecost event confirms both that Jesus is Lord and Messiah.
Conclusion : 1. Jesus Birth is by the Holy Spirit, we do not believe His Birth as ordinary people.
2. The Holy Spirit is necessary for effective ministry and fight against evil forces.
3. We need to walk in spirit.