The Korean War 1950-1953 North Korea invades South Korea. June 24th 1950 U.S troops invade at Inchon September 15th 1950 Chinese divisions enter fighting November 4 1950 Korea becomes campaign issue July 1952 Re-established the division of Korea March 1953
North Korea invades South Korea- June 24th 1950 Significance: Whether North Koreans acted with Stalin's approval is still debated. The first attack of the Korean war was when North Korean forces attacked the 38th parallel line that divides North and South Korea. This was a complete surprise to the American administration.
U.S troops invade at Inchon- September 15th 1950 Significance: In surprise landing behind enemy lines, US forces push North Korean army back north of the 38th parallel. 100 miles south of the 38th parallel line, the U.S military troops land at Inchon, which is on the west coast of Korea. In the evening, the Marines managed to secure Inchon. The North Korean forces got split in two, and that resulted in U.S led by the U.N force pushed inland in the attempt to recapture Seoul.
Chinese divisions enter fighting- November 4th 1950 Significance: With increased opposition, UN offensive stalls and then collapses. Chinese troops push UN forces back across 38th parallel and capture Southern capital of Seoul. The 30,000 Chinese man army entered the Korean war in earnest with a brutal attack against the American and United Nations forces in North Korea. They caught the U.N forced off guard with the surprise attack that pushed South Korea into the southeastern corner forming a border around Pusan. The united states and allies then started sending troops to hold the Pusan perimeter.
Korea becomes a campaign issue- July 1952 Significance: Eisenhower pledges to go to Korea to end the war. VP candidate Nixon contends Democrats had caved in to communists in Korea and that Democrat presidential candidate Stevenson should be called "Adlai the Appeaser“. The Korean war effected the presidential election of 1952 because people were tired of it and wanted it to end, the war had become a stalemate. This helped Eisenhower win the election because people believed that Adlai was too connected to the current president. Although the war granted him a definite victory Eisenhower was convinced that he would have won without the war.
Re-established the division of Korea- March 1953 Significance: Formal peace treaty never signed. Over 1,000,000 Koreans and 54,000 Americans killed in conflict plus thousands who die as prisoners of war. The armistice stopped hostilities but it was not a permanent peace treaty between the two nations, This was the longest spread out armistice in all of history. After 2 years of 158 meetings they agreed to call truce. Under the agreement that they suspended open hostilities, withdrew all military forces and equipment, both sides to stay on their own land, release of war prisoners and establish the military armistice commission. “We have won an armistice on a single battleground not peace in the world. We may not now relax our guard nor cease our quest”- President Eisenhower A quote from the president following the commencement of the agreement.
Video Analysis We believe it’s fictitious that a compromise couldn’t be found between the north and south. first of all to avoid the war being started North Korea could have stayed on the north side of the 38th parallel but since they crossed boundaries there was still plenty of different compromises that would have sufficed so that the war didn’t have to continue. For example some easy compromises could be for one of the sides could have backed down and excluded themselves making it so that there were no enemies to fight, they could have joined forces to make a larger and stronger army or they also could have stopped after taking over ¾ of the south side. This might have been included in the film to explain in few words why the war kept going on after North Korea had already taken over the majority of South Korea.
Two medics in Korea reading a newspaper article about the large number of people killed and injured over the holidays A worried mom and dad staring into the dark out the window waiting for their sons to come home as the Korean war continues
"I have been wounded and am in the hospital in Japan" "I screamed at them to stop the tank so I could get off and crawl into a ditch" "The cold war gets hot on the 38th parallel" A news article written on June 26th 1950 just 2 days after the invasion of South Korea. A letter written from a soldier to his wife and family back home on February 20th 1951
Citations 161613 his-week-in-history-China-enters-the-Korean-War.html Korean-8316762.php