SPONGE List three specific things you could do to improve your health.


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Presentation transcript:

SPONGE List three specific things you could do to improve your health. Nutrition, Day 3 List three specific things you could do to improve your health. In your own words, describe what BMR is.

Section 3 Eating Disorders Nutrition Section 3 Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders http://www.dove.us/#/features/videos/default.aspx[cp-documentid=7049579]/ Some people get carried away with losing weight, taking it to extremely unhealthy lengths. This can lead to an Eating Disorder, or damaging eating behaviors that can lead to sickness or death. These disorders begin when a person begins to convince themselves they look worse than they actually do.

Anorexia is an eating disorder in which a severe fear of being overweight leads to self-starvation. Most people who suffer from it are teenage females. Anorexia is a disorder of the mind and body. Anorexic people suffer from malnutrition, meaning they do not get the nutrients they need to function. They view themselves as fat even as they are dying of starvation. Anorexia

Bulimia Bulimia is a condition in which people repeatedly eat large amounts of food and then try to get rid of the food. People with bulimia also want to look perfect, but they become very hungry and secretly binge (eat huge amounts of food very quickly.) After they are done they panic and use several ways to lose the food.

Bulimia Bulimics will then try to purge (or get rid of) the food by: Vomiting Taking laxatives and diuretics Abusing diet pills Suddenly going through an unhealthy amount of exercise. Eventually the body will get used to purging food and will become very good at storing what little food it has into fat. For this reason bulimics often appear to be overweight.

Body Damage In addition your hair will become dry and fall out in clumps. Severe heart damage can occur. Many will die unless they find professional help.

Male Image Disorders Though not as common as female image disorders, the number of young men with body image issues has increased greatly over the last two decades. Most feel too skinny or fat and develop unhealthy behaviors to become muscular such as excessive exercise and taking steroids.