Selected reaches along Morehouse Brook and Alder Brook Stream Geomorphic Assessment Comparison between Attainment and Impaired Streams: Selected reaches along Morehouse Brook and Alder Brook A Project Presented by Mikal Burley Ari Lejfer Amie McCarthy Trevor Pratt Katherine Traverse
Locations in Morehouse Reach Description Upstream Lat Upstream Long Downstream Lat Downstream Long M1S6.2 Culvert above Mallett's Bay Ave to valley widening and floodplain 44.50027 -73.19547 44.50007 -73.19703 M1S6.3 From valley widening to drain output from Landry Park -73.19368 44.50026 -73.19546 M1S6.3S1.1 Confluence with reach 2 to drain output below driveway of residential development, just upstream of pond drain 44.50231 -73.19341 -73.19458
Bank-full width
Morehouse Brook Previous Research Reach Selection Sewershed Information Field vs. GIS
Locations in Alder Brook Reach Description Upstream Lat Upstream Long Downstream Late Downstream Long M1S28.4S3.4 Reach top is 0.26 miles W of Essex High School at bearing of 276.17 degrees 44.49963 -73.06398 44.49925 M1S28.18 Reach top is 0.45 miles SW of Bowmans Corner at a bearing of 245.35 degrees; reach flows SW 44.57115 -73.06625 44.57072 -73.0672 M1S28.16 Reach top is 0.57 miles SW of Bowmans Corner at a bearing of 238.86 degrees 44.5697 -73.06797 44.56858 -73.0674
Alder Brook Reach Selection Reach Three Field vs. GIS
Conclusions Attainment vs. Impaired RGA vs. RHA vs. Stream Condition Index Comparison of data within Streams
Results Summary Overall trend of aggradation, especially in Morehouse Brook Strong correlation between RGA and RHA Overall Impaired vs. Attainment
The End Thank you to: Bill Gill Tim Grover W. Breck Bowden The landowners For all their contributions.