EXPECTATIONS Participation in a team sport will help your child develop teamwork skills, leadership skills, communication skills, confidence, healthy habits, friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. ATHLETICS IS A PRIVILEGE! Athletes held to higher standard. Academics – No Pass/No Play Behavior Appearance (Hair, Earrings, etc.) Be a positive role model
ACADEMICS Athletes are held accountable and are expected to keep passing grades in ALL classes at ALL times! Periodic grade checks by coaches every 3 weeks and UIL mandated grade checks at 6 and 9 weeks. No pass no play – Athletes can regain eligibility at next grade report.
Paperwork Physical – Must Have on file with the coaches. Medical History – Filled out by parent on file with coaches. Participation Packet – MUST be filled out on line. www.neisd.net https://northeastisd.rankonesport.com/New/InvalidYear.aspx?M=0501
DRISCOLL PHYSICALS Take advantage of this convenient option! Thursday May 31ST Physicals can be done at Driscoll during the school day! - Please send waiver and money back to coaches on or before physical date. Cost $15 – CASH ONLY
INJURIES * Accident Insurance – Available through distirct High School athletic trainers are also available if needed through MacArthur and Madison. Please let the coaches know about injuries that have occurred in school or outside of school immediately upon return!
FOOTBALL 1st Day of Football Practice – First Day of School Monday August 27 3:30 PM-5:30 PM Need Cleats, All equipment will be provided by Driscoll A-Team and B-Team Playing time earned in practice Parent Football Meeting Tuesday August 28 5:30PM Main Gym
Volleyball First Day Of School – August 27th Athlete Meeting 3:30pm – 5:00pm Practice Schedules/Game Schedules Go over rules/expectations/teams Pick up athlete on the concourse ALWAYS!!! Get on REMIND Second Day Of School – August 28th Practice begins for both 7th/8th Grade PARENT MEETING – 5:30pm - Cafeteria
PURCHASE ATHLETIC GEAR ONLINE **STORE OPENS** MAY 16TH – JUNE 8TH Purchase Athletic Gear Online www.bsnteamsports.com Access Codes GIRLS CODE – DDVB2018 BOYS CODE – DDBOYS18 Order now and receive at the beginning of the next school year!
Boys/Girls Basketball November – February A/B/Go Teams Try-Outs Morning/Afternoon Practices
Boys/Girls Track February - April Top 3 will go to meet in each event Tryouts are conducted during practice to determine who will attend the meet.
Golf Starts after January Listen for announcements
Tennis Starts after the 1st of January Contact Coach Hartman
Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Meyer Driscoll Athletic Coordinator jmeyer@neisd.net 8th Football Track
Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Gloria nglori@neisd.net 8th Football 7th Basketball Track
Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Wilson mwilso13@neisd.net 7th Football 8th Basketball Track
Boys Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Hamel jhamel@neisd.net 7th Football 8th Basketball Track
Boys Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Navarette cnavar2@neis.net 7th Football 7th Basketball Track
Boys Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Hartman ghartm@neisd.net 8th Football 7th Basketball Tennis
Boys Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Johnson jjohns16@neisd.net 8th Basketball
Boys Driscoll Coaching Staff Phone numbers to boys coaching office- 210-356-3248 210-356-3249 *visit our websites for more info
Girls Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Richmond Assistant Athletic Coordinator krichm@neisd.net Volleyball Basketball Track
Girls Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Saenz osaenz@neisd.net Volleyball Basketball Track
Girls Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Sosa csosa@neisd.net Volleyball Basketball
Girls Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Murphy dmurph2@neisd.net Volleyball Basketball Track
Girls Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Simpson csimps@neisd.net Volleyball Basketball
Girls Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Calvet acalve@neisd.net Volleyball Track
Girls Driscoll Coaching Staff Coach Torres Ktorre@neisd.net Basketball
Girls Driscoll Coaching Staff Phone numbers to girls coaching office- 210-356-3250 *Visit our websites for more information/check our Weebly pages for updates! * Looking forward to a great year