Endogenous MOSPD2 is recruited to interorganelle contact sites by FFAT‐containing proteins Endogenous MOSPD2 is recruited to interorganelle contact sites by FFAT‐containing proteins AGFP‐tagged MOSPD2 (green)‐expressing cells were labeled with an anti‐MOSPD2 antibody (magenta). The superposition of the green and magenta signals indicates that the anti‐MOSPD2 antibody recognized efficiently MOSPD2 by immunofluorescence.BWestern blot analysis of MOSPD2 and VAP proteins in control HeLa cells (WT) and in HeLa cells expressing a control shRNA (shCtrl) and two individual shRNAs targeting MOSPD2 (shMOSPD2‐α or shMOSPD2‐β). Quantification of MOSPD2 protein level is shown below. Means and error bars (SD) are shown. n: Three independent experiments.CEndogenous MOSPD2 (green) was labeled in control HeLa cells (WT), in cells expressing a control shRNA (shCtrl), and in cells expressing two individual shRNAs targeting MOSPD2 (shMOSPD2‐α or shMOSPD2‐β). Scale bar: 10 μm.DEndogenous MOSPD2 (green) staining in HeLa cells expressing the ER marker GFP‐ER (magenta).E, F Endogenous MOSPD2 (green) staining in HeLa cells expressing Flag‐STARD3NL (E) or Flag‐STARD3NL ΔFFAT (F) (anti‐Flag; magenta).GPearson's correlation coefficients between endogenous MOSPD2 and Flag‐STARD3NL (WT or ΔFFAT) staining are shown. Each dot represents a single cell (number of cells: MOSPD2–Flag‐STARD3NL: 27; MOSPD2–Flag‐STARD3NL ΔFFAT: 26; from three independent experiments). Means and error bars (SD) are shown. Mann–Whitney test (two‐tailed P‐value; ****P < 0.0001).Data information: (A, D–F): The subpanels on the right are higher magnification (3.5×) images of the area outlined in white. The Overlay panel shows merged green and magenta images. The Coloc panel displays a colocalization mask on which pixels where the green and the magenta channels co‐localize are shown in white. Right: Linescan analyses with fluorescence intensities of the green and magenta channels along the white arrow shown on the subpanel Overlay. Black rectangles indicate the positions of late endosomes (E). Scale bars: 10 μm.Source data are available online for this figure. Thomas Di Mattia et al. EMBO Rep. 2018;19:e45453 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend