PE A Level / GCSE Insert Title © January 2018 PiXL Knowledge Strategy and templates: The PiXL Club Ltd. All rights reserved. © MONTH YEAR Content: XYZ School, Birmingham. All rights reserved. To ensure that both PiXL and school are copyright compliant, please make sure that all areas in red are completed . © (With any other third party copyright material clearly marked on the page/slide it appears on).
GCSE PE Physical Training Health and Fitness Define what health is and the factors that can effect it Define what fitness is Describe the relationship between health and fitness Describe the factors that can affect health hand fitness Principles of Training Define SPORT FITT Types of Training Define the types of training Describe how to do each type of training Link each type of training to a relevant component of fitness Components of Fitness Define the Skill and Health related components of fitness Describe the difference between Health and Skill components Describe when they are needed in specific sporting skills. Fitness testing and Data Identify a fitness test for each component of fitness Describe how to do each fitness test Describe why the data collected and test is relevant to the correct component of fitness Prevention of Injury Describe 5 ways in which an athlete can avoid injury Describe how different types of training could cause injury Training Techniques & Seasonal Aspects Names the 3 training seasons Describe some activities that athletes would carry out in each season. Effective Warm Up and Cool Downs Identify and describe the 3 parts of a warm up Describe the stages and benefits of a cool down Describe how to stretch properly using dynamic and static stretches Describe the benefits of a warm up and cool down © January 2018 PiXL Knowledge Strategy and templates: The PiXL Club Ltd. All rights reserved. © MONTH YEAR Content: XYZ School, Birmingham. All rights reserved.
PE A Level / GCSE Insert Title © January 2018 PiXL Knowledge Strategy and templates: The PiXL Club Ltd. All rights reserved. © MONTH YEAR Content: XYZ School, Birmingham. All rights reserved.
GCSE PE Physical Training Health and Fitness Principles of Training Types of Training Components of Fitness Fitness testing and Data Prevention of Injury Training Techniques & Seasonal Aspects . Effective Warm Up and Cool Downs © January 2018 PiXL Knowledge Strategy and templates: The PiXL Club Ltd. All rights reserved. © MONTH YEAR Content: XYZ School, Birmingham. All rights reserved.
PE A Level / GCSE Insert Title © January 2018 PiXL Knowledge Strategy and templates: The PiXL Club Ltd. All rights reserved. © MONTH YEAR Content: XYZ School, Birmingham. All rights reserved.
GCSE PE Physical Training Health and Fitness Evaluate the positive & negative effects that levels of fitness and heath conditions have upon sports performance Principles of Training Evaluate a variety of training programmes justifying if the POTs have been applied effectively. Types of Training Analyse the effects of different types of training on the body’s CV and respiratory systems. Components of Fitness Plan and evaluate an effective training programme for 2 contrasting sports, justifying the inclusion pf different training methods & activities. Fitness testing and Data Evaluate the validity and reliability of a range of tests on 2 contrasting sports Prevention of Injury Investigate recent methods of recovery, rehabilitation & injury prevention in sports. Analyse the physiological effects of each. Training Techniques & Seasonal Aspects Analyse the effectiveness of your own training season and suggests ways in which you could improve justifying the changes. Effective Warm Up and Cool Downs Evaluate the effectiveness of warm ups and cool downs on 2 contrasting sports. © January 2018 PiXL Knowledge Strategy and templates: The PiXL Club Ltd. All rights reserved. © MONTH YEAR Content: XYZ School, Birmingham. All rights reserved.