Creating and Managing Fees
In This lesson you will learn What a Fee is and how it differs from an Activity How to create a Fee How to Find and Maintain Fees Assignments
Fees, unlike Activities, are required to be paid. Introduction Overview Fees, unlike Activities, are required to be paid. This can be anything from a technology fee, a fine for a missing library book, or a class dues payment. You can do the following with Fees: Create fees and assign them to specific students. Set up prices based on free or reduced lunch status. Assign one or more funding accounts to each fee. Allow parents to make partial payments towards fees. Import Fees. Ensure that parents are able to see all fees that their child owes — no more lost or forgotten notices. Generate reports for quick and easy reconciliation. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
You can search for existing Fees. First, we’ll Create a Fee. Click the Fee tab. You can search for existing Fees. First, we’ll Create a Fee. Enter a Transaction (or Fee) Name. Enter the price per Eligibility. Like an Activity, you can Split Fees by Account Code as needed. Click Add to save your pricing. These options are described on the following slides. Use the dropdown arrow to assign an account code. Enter a Description. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Use the dropdown to select the Funding Account. Look up and select the names for whom the Fee applies. Save when finished.
Check Allow Partial Payments to let parents pay in installments. The Minimum Payment and Final Payment Due fields are displayed. Enter these values. As the partial payments are made, Transactions are created for each, viewable by you and your parents. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Use Notification Options, described next, to keep Parents informed when further payments are due.
Automated Fee Notifications When you create a Fee, you have the option to send automated e-mail notifications. You can send one or more of the following e-mail types: New Fees Available- All new Fees available per account, sent every Monday. Fees Due Soon- All fees due within 2 weeks, then within 1 week sent on Tuesday. Fees Past Due- All past due fees, sent each Wednesday. Most districts prefer to check all 3 options. Each e-mail contains a list of Fees assigned, about to expire or overdue for all students on the account. If a parent has multiple students with fees, all are included in a single e-mail. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed The e-mail address used is the one(s) entered by the Parent when creating their account.
Click Upload Fees, point to the CSV file and import. Importing Fees Fees can be imported. Click Import Fees. Deleting Unpaid Fees is never recommended without a consultation with us first. Click Upload Fees, point to the CSV file and import. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed As with Activities, a CSV template and examples are available. We recommend that you call MyPaymentsPlus Support when doing this for the first time.
The Fees List presents many filter options. Find a Fee The Fees List presents many filter options. Click View after entering all filters and Clear Search to start over. Status is All, Paid or Unpaid. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Search By includes: Name- Input some or all of the Name. Results will return in the Account column. Account ID- Is the Student or Guest ID. Account Type- Searches by the assigned type. Transaction- Is the name of the Fee. As you type, suggestions will be listed.
Locate the person whose Fee you wish to edit. Click the Edit Icon. Edit a Fee Locate the person whose Fee you wish to edit. Click the Edit Icon. You will be editing the Fee only for the account you selected. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed The Edit options are the same as those you used when creating the Fee. Remember to Save.
Archiving and Deleting a Fee You can archive Fees assignments and store the information in your archived data. When you archive a fee, it is removed from the parent's view and from your current unpaid fees in reporting, but, the information remains available for lookup. You can view the Fee List by Active or Archived records. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed DO NOT confuse this with Delete! This will completely remove any records for the Fee assignment(s). Search for and check Select for the record(s) you wish to Archive. Then, click Archive Selected. The Archived View allows you to Reactivate Selected Records.
For more information The MyPaymentPlus Admin Guide provides a wealth of additional information about Fees and Activities. This guide can be found by navigating to your MPP Dashboard > Marketing Kit > School Administrator Guides
Understand what a Fee does and how it differs from an Activity Key Takeaways Understand what a Fee does and how it differs from an Activity Know how to Create a Fee Understand the various Fee options Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
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