School Tour to [Destination Name] [Day/Month/Year - Day/Month/Year]
How to register your interest Why are we going? What is there to see and do? Tour basics How to register your interest
How to register your interest Why are we going? What is there to see and do? Tour basics How to register your interest
Why are we going? [Tour objective]
How to register your interest Why are we going? What is there to see and do? Tour basics How to register your interest
What is there to see and do? [Click to add visit] [Click to add visit]
How to register your interest Why are we going? What is there to see and do? Tour basics How to register your interest
Tour length [Number of days & nights] Transport [Basic details of transport, if known (e.g. coach, flight, train)] Accommodation [Basic details of accommodation, if known (e.g. B&B, centrally-located, etc.)] Meal arrangements [Basic details, if known] If you have any specific dietary requirements, please let me know well in advance. Tour basics
How to register your interest Why are we going? What is there to see and do? Tour basics How to register your interest
How to register your interest Who can join us? This school trip is open to [year group(s)] Further information You will be provided with information to take home to your parent(s)/guardian(s) Interested? If you are interested in joining the tour, please [give details of how students should express their interest] by [date] How to register your interest
Any questions?