English Listening and Composition Prof. Shao Guangqing Shaoguangqing@gmail.com Sep., 2013 영어 청취와 작문
Reading: Something wild Read the paragraph. How did the author feel just before his wild experience? The author felt very nervous, and his stomach did not feel normal.
Responding to the text The author was near Miami. 1. Where was the author when he had the experience? The author was near Miami.
Responding to the text 2. Why did the author jump out of an airplane? The author jumped from the airplane because he wanted to do something wild for his 25th birthday.
Responding to the text The author felt happy and thrilled in the air. 3. How did the author feel while in the air? The author felt happy and thrilled in the air.
Structural analysis Topic sentence (1st sentence) Supporting sentences Age (when); what; where Supporting sentences the author’s feeling signing papers jumping from the plane I like to take photos, too. I was floating completely free. Concluding sentence He learned that he enjoys taking risks.
Using sensory and emotional details Sensory details: Information about how something looks, smells, tastes, feels or what it sounds like Emotional details Information about the writer’s feelings Making the narration interesting; Helping the readers share the experience of the story.
Showing order of events Use sequence words to show order of events in narration Chronological (time) order Showing simultaneous events next; after that; afterwards; then; later; finally; eventually; a little while later; soon meanwhile; while; at the same time that
Tenses for narration Using the simple past Using the past continuous To tell about actions and events that started and finished in the past Using the past continuous To describe an event that was already in progress when another event occurred or interrupted the first event To tell about two or more activities that were in progress at the same time