Political Ideologies in Europe Conservatism Favored tradition, social stability, obedience to political authority Liberalism Enlightenment, free as possible from government control, civil liberties should be protected Nationalism Cultural identity based on aspects of your nation Language, ethnicity, religion, etc. Belief in measures beneficial to only your nation Socialism Where society owns SOME certain means of production Communism Where government owns ALL of the means of production
Concert of Europe (1815-1853) Enforced provisions of the Congress of Vienna Worked to prevent future wars from breaking out Led by Metternich Talleyrand gets France included eventually Opposed revolution, liberalism, & nationalism Wanted to uphold the status quo Maintain a balance of power Nationalism had been fomented by opposition to Napoleon Crimean War Leads to the end of the Concert of Europe
French Revolutions 1830 1848 Establish a Constitutional Monarchy Place in charge Louis-Philippe Orchestrated by liberals 1848 France suffering from economic issues Overthrow the monarchy Second Republic Napoleon III Elected first President (1848) Declares himself Emperor (1852-1870)
Italian Unification Victor Emmanuel II Southern Italy unifies (1860) King of an Italian state Instigates a war against Austria (1859) Gets help from France Able to unify northern Italy (1860) Southern Italy unifies (1860) 1861 – Italy crowns Victor Emmanuel II as King 1870 – Italy finalizes unification Makes Rome capital
German Unification Otto von Bismarck Prime Minister Realpolitik Bismarck leads Prussia into successful wars Northern and Southern German states create two separate confederations Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) Successful defeat of France Prussia gains French territories Germany becomes a unified nation (1871) William I becomes Kaiser Upends to “Balance of Power” in Europe
Crimean War (1853-1856) Fought between Russia and Ottoman Empire Want control of the Balkans France and Great Britain get involved Concerned about a strong Russia Very sloppy war, poorly conducted Leads Russia to isolate itself from Europe Works on reforming its own problems Begins decline of the Ottoman Empire
Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) Instigated by Prussia Prussian army much more superior Utilized technology from the Industrial Revolution Napoleon III captured early on Paris invaded 5 months later France forced to give up territory to Germany Alsace & Lorraine France holds a grudge against Germany over this Plays a role in WWI
Pre WWI European Politics Great Britain Strong and stable Proactive in preventing revolutions Queen Victoria France 2 revolutions, republic, empire, republic Germany Unified after military conquests Strong industrialized nation Italy Unified, Papal authority limited Austria-Hungary Dual monarchy 2 governments under one Emperor/Monarch Russia Struggling to catch up with Europe Upsets many on both sides
European Nationalism Videos https://youtu.be/jCeh1RiBjBk Crimean War Part 1 – Armchair Historian https://youtu.be/0cVl5OuvLiA Crimean War Part 2 – Armchair Historian https://youtu.be/mz9Cy0xUH0E Otto von Bismarck – Simple History https://youtu.be/UeITIRL6B9Q Franco-Prussian War – Armchair Historian