Immune System When first exposed to disease, organisms make specific antibodies to mark the foreign invaders so the white blood cells know what to destroy. If exposed to the same pathogen again, the immune system has a memory and can quickly make similar antibodies that will match the SAME antigens as the sickness from the previous time. REMEMBER: since Antigens and Antibodies are proteins that specific shape that match. SHAPE DETERMINES FUNCTION
Illness and Germs Pathogens What is the term that refers to all germs and microbes that can cause illness in an organism? Pathogens
Bacteria Bacteria are single- celled organisms. They are alive because they can carryout the characteristics of life without needing the help for another organism
Viruses Viruses are non- cellular (not a cell) They are dead because they cannot performs] the characteristics of life without having a host. The infects to cause illness and death.
Cures and Treatment Diseases caused by a bacteria can be cured because the bacteria can be killed. Doctors inject a person with antibiotics to kill the bacteria Viruses cannot be killed because they are NOT alive so there is NO cured for them Vaccines can PREVENT viruses from infecting organisms
Vaccines They are not as strong as the disease so the person does not get sick Helps organisms build a memory of antibodies. II. Vaccinations use dead or weakened microbes (virus) to stimulate the first production of antibodies
Vaccine Process A dead or weaken virus is injected into an organism The immune systems recognizes the virus and synthesizes antibodies The immune system makes a memory of the virus so when the real virus (not a dead or weak one) comes it can use the antibodies to stop it immediately.