SUBSTITUTION Grade 8 Unit 4 Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION Topic Question: What industries arose in Louisiana during the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, and what was their economic and cultural impact on the state? Description of Formative Performance Task: Guided Notes Read 11 12 Powerpoint Steps: 1. Receive Guided Notes from teacher 2. Fill in blanks as powerpoint in presented Featured Source: Textbook Featured Tech Tools: Powerpoint Teacher Name: Joseph DiGiglia III School: SJ Email Address: Special Considerations: guided notes are included Assessment:
AUGMENTATION Grade 8 Unit 4 Formative Performance Task 2 Topic: What industries arose in Louisiana during the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, and what was their economic and cultural impact on the state? Description of Formative Performance Task: Review the content by playing Jeopardy Featured Tech Tools: Jeopardy Review on PowerPoint Featured Source: Steps: 1. Team captains will pick teams 2. Teams will situate their desks in groups 3. Each student will get to pick a category and an amount 4. Each student in each group must say the answer for the group at least once 5. Buzzer is to throw the Nerf ball to the teacher Teacher Name: Joseph DiGiglia III School: SJ Email Address: Special Considerations: Assessment:
MODIFICATION Replace w/ Grade/Unit Summative Performance Task 1 MODIFICATION Topic: What industries arose in Louisiana during the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, and what was their economic and cultural impact on the state? Description of Summative Performance Task: Research using the textbook and Ipad/laptops to find 10 industrial events from 1870 – the Great Depression and create a timeline using World Book Online Featured Source: World Book Online Textbook Internet Featured Tech Tools: Ipads Laptops Steps: Get a loose-leaf piece of paper out Number it 1-10 Research using your textbook or the Ipads and laptops to find 10 industrial events from 1870 – 1929 Use a laptop to create a timeline on World Book Online as demonstrated earlier in the year. Save it on a flash drive or to your H Drive. Teacher Name: Joseph DiGiglia III School: SJ Email Address: Special Considerations: Assessment:
REDEFINITION Grade 8 Unit 4 Summative Performance Task 1 REDEFINITION Topic: What industries arose in Louisiana during the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, and what was their economic and cultural impact on the state? Description of Summative Performance Task: Modify other students’ timelines Featured Source: World Book Online Featured Tech Tools: Laptops Steps: Pull up your timeline Get your list of events out When the timer starts, you will move to the seat directly behind you and add two events to the timeline. This will happen at least twice possibly more. After the last seat change, return to your desk. Observe the events added to your timeline. Teacher Name: Joseph DiGiglia III School: SJ Email Address: Special Considerations: Assessment:
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Joseph DiGiglia Louisiana Social Studies Standard 8.2.7 Explain major social, political and economic changes that affected Louisiana during the Progressive, Great Depression and Huey Long Era Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology Modify other students’ timelines World Book Online Laptops Create a timeline using World Book Online Textbook Internet Ipads Review the content by playing Jeopardy Jeopardy Review on Powerpoint Guided Notes Read 11 12 Powerpoint PowerPoint REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.