Learning Map for Year 5 : Autumn 2 2018 Please encourage your child to read each day Learning Map for Year 5 : Autumn 2 2018 How to Train Your Dragon Non-Chronological Reports: Creating own dragons and then creating non-chronological reports. Focus on words for cohesion. Speech punctuation and using dialogue to advance the action. Short story: creating character and setting descriptions. Creating a web page. Identifying what makes a website effective. Using search engines to find specific information. Combining text and pictures. Organising information. Using hyperlinks to make links between different websites. Fractions: Comparing and ordering fractions. Finding equivalent fractions. Simplifying fractions. Introduction to bar modelling. Percentages. Written methods: Multiplication and division using formal written methods. Angles: Drawing and measuring angles using a protractor. Calculating angles in a line or in a full turn. Problem solving and reasoning. Literacy Maths Computing Games - ball games: Hockey. Attacking and defending skill. Controlling, passing and moving with the ball. Swimming. Vicious Vikings Theme PE The Vikings Where did they come from? Where did they invade? What were the key events during this period of history. Why are there so many misconceptions about the Vikings? What was leadership in England like during this period? What was their daily life like compare to now? PSHE RE Getting on and Falling Out Strategies to deal with challenging situations. Consideration of others’ feelings and how your behaviours may affect them. Strategies for working together effectively. DT How do Art and Music Convey Christmas? Asking questions about the meaning and purpose of Christmas; exploring Christian beliefs about Christmas in a range of art styles; from Christmas Carols, asking questions about the meaning of Christmas. Viking Boats Creating a design using pictures for inspiration. Investigating and creating moving parts. Choosing materials for a purpose and finding the most effective joining methods. Science Properties of Materials Comparing and grouping everyday materials on the basis of their properties; using knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated; investigating reversible and irreversible changes. French Talking about school.