An Brief Orientation to Policy Governance
Policy Governance – What is It? Policy Governance is an approach to the task of governing that emphasizes values, vision, servant-leadership, accountability and empowerment of both the Board and the Administrator.
Policy Governance Policy Governance is a precise, coherent model of governance that incorporates: Clear underlying philosophy Foundational principles Operational structures and processes
Philosophy Organizations such as WASBO exist for a specific set of purposes WASBO Purposes are determined by its Owners (members) The Board serves as a trustee body for the ownership The Board’s primary task is to see to it that WASBO achieves the purposes identified by the owners The Board is responsible to see to it that those purposes are achieved in a manner that avoids unacceptable situations and reflects the values and principles of the ownership
Guiding Principles #1. The Trust in Trusteeship #2. Board as One Voice or Not at ALL #3. Board Decisions are Policy Decisions #4. Boards set Policy from Broadest Values #5. Define and Delegate rather than React and Ratify #6. Ends Determination is the Pivotal Duty of Governance (Ends Policies) #7. Board’s Best Control Over Exec. Dir. Means is to Limit, not Prescribe (Executive Limitations Policies) #8. Board must Explicitly Design its own Products and Processes (Governance Process Policies) #9. Board must Forge a Linkage with Exec. Dir. that is both Empowering and Safe (Board/Staff Relations Policies) #10. Performance of the Exec. Dir. must be Monitored Rigorously, but Only against Policy Criteria
Structure – Board Work Linkages with Ownership and Environment Policy Development Monitoring Achievement of Purposes Evaluating the Executive Director Board Self Evaluation Ongoing Board Development
Structure – Policy Types Ends (the Board established outcomes for WASBO) Executive Limitations (Parameters of the Executive Director) Governance Process (Board’s operating structure) Board/Executive Director Relationship (Defines Board and ED interactions and how they relate to one another)
Ends Policies Owner valued outcomes (the End-In-Mind) Organizational Beliefs Organizational Vision and Mission
Ends Thinking Who are the “owners” of WASBO? What is the fundamental purpose of WASBO? What difference(s) will there be because WASBO exits? For whom will this difference be made? What is the relative priority of this set of differences?
Executive Limitations Policies Executive limitations are constraints on executive authority that establish prudence and ethical boundaries within which all executive decisions and activities occur. - to avoid prescribing means - to put off-limits those means that would be unacceptable even if they work - to open possibilities for creative solutions - to empower the ED to use and leverage operational expertise
Executive Limitations Global Executive Constraints Treatment of Staff Treatment of Members Financial Planning and Activities Emergency Executive Director Succession Asset Protection Compensation and Benefits Communication and Support to the Board
Board “Means” Policies: Governance Process Board Staff Relations In two policy areas, Governance Process and Board/Staff Relations, the Board defines in policy its rules of engagement: among its members, with any committees it establishes and with the administrative part of the organization.
Governance Process Policies These policies specify the “How” of the Board – the manner by which the Board conceives, carries out and monitors its own tasks.
Governance Process Policies Global Governance Commitment Governing Style Board Job Description Agenda Planning Board President Role Board President-Elect Role Board Past-President Role Board Treasurer Role Board Member Code of Conduct Board Committees Principles and Structure Cost of Governance
Board Staff Relations Policies These policies establish how power is delegated and its proper use; includes the Executive Director’s role, authority and accountability.
Board/Staff Relationship Policies Global Governance-Management Connection Unity of Control Delegation to the Executive Director Accountability of the Executive Director Monitoring Executive Director Performance
Monitoring and Evaluation The Board monitors organizational performance through fair but systematic assessment of whether: - a reasonable interpretation of its Ends Policies is being achieved - a reasonable interpretation of its Executive Limitations Policies is being practiced This constitutes the Executive Directors evaluation
Annual Calendar Planning Linkages (External/Internal) Monitoring (Ends Achievement/Policy Compliance) Policy Development/Review Topical Board Work (Relevant) Board Self Evaluation Board Development Executive Director Evaluation
Meeting Agenda Components Approval of Agenda Consent Agenda Operational (Exec. Dir. constructs) Board routine work Ownership Linkage Communication with the External Environment (based on annual plan of work) Board Development Targeted Learning (based on annual plan of work) Policy Discussion Review/Amend/Add (based on annual plan of work) Assurance of Operational Performance Receipt of Monitoring Reports Exec. Dir. Interpretation Justification Board self-assessment against Policy Announcements Adjournment
Questions Observations Thoughts