The First World War Chapter 11 Notes OBJECTIVE: Understand the causes and effects of WWI
WWI Recall Using your prior knowledge…. Provide 3 facts that you remember about World War I. Write these 3 facts using complete sentences.
Causes for WWI Nationalism- a devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation. Imperialism- competition for new territories. Militarism- the development of armed forces & their use in diplomacy. Alliances- joining of countries in an effort to look out for one another: Triple Entente (Allies)- France, Britain & Russia Triple Alliance (Central Powers)- Germany, Austria-Hungary , Italy & (Ottoman Empire)
Fighting Begins THE SPARK: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Countries begin declaring war Germany invades Belgium & war with France begins Trench warfare- system of dugout trenches stretching across France. Stalemate “No Man’s Land”
Trench Warfare Trench Foot and Trench Mouth Men in Trenches
Americans Question Neutrality Many felt the U.S. should stay out of the fight (Neutrality) 3,000 miles away; imperialist & capitalist reasons; war is evil; nobody wants to fight Citizens who were immigrants still have ties to homeland country Germany acting like “Bully of Europe” Civilians being attacked, propaganda Trade with “Allies” is strong Begin looking to America for war supplies.
U.S. Gets Involved…..Why? British blockade gets response from Germans British blocking weapons & food from Germany. Lusitania is sunk May 1915 (128 Americans) Germans threatened to sink anything hostile or neutral- U.S. opinion turns against Germany. Convoy system introduced Zimmerman note- telegram from German foreign minister to ambassador in Mexico. Recover lost TX, AZ, NM U.S. reluctantly declares war on Germany; begin Selective Service (draft)- 24 million registered; 3 million called up
War at Home Economy boomed as a result of rising production; prices also rose. Presidential power increases, he works with business to control the economy. Creation of War Industries Board, the War Labor Board, and the Food Administration. War bonds, victory gardens & propaganda Generate support for the war effort. Espionage & Sedition Acts- Fined up to $10,000 or 20 years in jail for saying anything disloyal or bad about U.S. government.
Social Changes Great Migration- movement of African-Americans from the South to Northern cities. Women in the workforce: Railroad workers, dockworkers, miners, bricklayers & shipbuilders. Women “prove” themselves to society. Leads to passage of 19th Amendment (1920).
Fighting “Over There” New weapons change war tactics Airplanes & tanks mechanized the war Hazards during war included: Lice, rats, polluted water, trench foot, poisonous gas & constant bombardment. Germans surrender 11/11/1918. WWI bloodiest war up to that time: 22 million dead (more than ½ civilians); 20 million wounded; 10 million refugees
Wilson’s Plan for Peace Fourteen Points: Peace plan urging more cooperation among nations. Goal was to avoid another World War. Called for international organization League of Nations Can handle disputes before war breaks out.
Peace Conference “Big Four”- U.S., France, Britain, & Italy. No Central Powers at Peace Conference Germany must pay!!! Meet with defeated powers & sign Treaty of Versailles.
Before After
Treaty Weaknesses Germany barred from having Army, must return Alsace-Lorraine, pay reparations $33 billion. War-guilt clause, stripped of colonial possessions. Opposition from U.S.--- Too harsh League of Nations opposed – U.S. wanted isolationism. The Treaty of Versailles solved nothing, laid foundation for the tensions to build for World War II.