Educational system in Hungary 6-18 compulsory studying (1-12 forms) 6-18 compulsory studying (1-12 forms) Primary school (8 years) Primary school (8 years) 8-year form Secondary 8-year form Secondary 6-year form Secondary 6-year form Secondary 4-year form Secondary 4-year form Secondary 4-year form Vocational 4-year form Vocational College (3-4 years) College (3-4 years) University (5-6 years) University (5-6 years)
EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM in the 8-year-form Secondary Grammar School named Bálint Balassi Budapest, Hungary
The system: Entrance exam Entrance exam Three periods (2+4+2) Three periods (2+4+2) Two final exams after the sixth form every year Two final exams after the sixth form every year Regular afternoon activities Regular afternoon activities Tutor –system ( one to one teaching) Tutor –system ( one to one teaching) Following the development of personality Following the development of personality
Talent Contest in December Talent Contest in December Written: Written: Ability test (memory, abstraction, Ability test (memory, abstraction, attention durability ) attention durability ) Maths ( exercises based on logics) Maths ( exercises based on logics) Hungarian language Hungarian language Oral: Oral: Maths Maths Hungarian Language Hungarian Language General Intelligence (creativity) General Intelligence (creativity)
Entrance exam in February Written: ( central test) Maths Hungarian Language
Playful Friday for the contestants leading by our students Logical crimes Examinations with microscope Quizes Who knows what? Sports
Entrance exam in March Oral : Maths (problem solving ability, logic) Hungarian Language General Intelligence (creativity, general kmowledge of the world)
The curriculum and the syllabus 1. Preporatory period (2 years) Hungarian Language and Literature Mathematics Latin – grammar, readings about Greek and Roman mytology – lays the foundation of History, which is learnt from the third year Modern Languages – English, German Nature Studies – Through this subject Sciences are based /Chemistry, Biology, Geography and Physics / Computer Science – Introductory course Music and Art Physical Education
2. Subject Period /4 years/ Hungarian Language and Literature History Modern languages I. and II. (from the 9th form English, German and French) Mathematics Computer Science Chemistry Biology Geography Physics Music and Arts Physical Education
3. Orientation Period (2 years) Focusing on the optional subjects chosen by the students (24+6 or 9) Preparation for the final examination (GCSE) ordinary level advanced level
Regular afternoon activities Offered societies: Offered societies: 1. Educational (Journalism, playful 1. Educational (Journalism, playful languages, nature studies, etc.) languages, nature studies, etc.) 2. Creativity (ceramics, gardening, 2. Creativity (ceramics, gardening, folkdance, choir work, arts) folkdance, choir work, arts) 3. Sport activities ( Floorball, 3. Sport activities ( Floorball, basketball,valleyball, athletics) basketball,valleyball, athletics)
Examinations of efficiency (by phycologist, talent experts) Learning strategy (+ training) Learning motivation Level of anxiety (+training) Creativity Self-esteem Development of intellectual capacity (IQ) Choosing Career
Thats all about school Thats all about school But now just forget about it and enjoy But now just forget about it and enjoy your staying in Hungary! your staying in Hungary! Bye-bye Bye-bye