Students will be able to independently use their learning to… All About Me Spanish 1 Megaspore vocabulary related to family, relationships, traits and appearance opinions and preferences cultural comparisons relating to families Biographical questions / answers vocabulary relating to ages, birthday, contact info idiomatic expressions self-selected vocabulary Conversation openings and closings vocabulary related to interests and activities Recognizing differences in products, practices, and perspectives among cultures present tense Responding appropriately to content-based situations – oral and written; rehearsed and unrehearsed formal vs. informal Using a variety of strategies to make meaning of written and oral texts Building accuracy to enhance effective communication Good speakers of another language are aware of culture and cultural differences when they communicate. Becoming a comfortable user of another language takes guidance, time, and practice. Effective practitioners of another language rely on many strategies to communicate information, wants, and needs. Students will be able to independently use their learning to… Describe themselves and others using a mixture of words, phrases, and simple sentences. Ask questions to others to elicit comparable or familiar information Essential Questions Who am I? Who is my family?