Smart Connect – Supplier Portal Training Module 3 – Creation of Advance Shipment Notification
Creation of Advance Shipment Notification
Steps for Material Delivery Mentioned below is the Material Delivery process to be followed by Suppliers while sending material Create an Advance Shipment Notification (ASN) on Smart Connect Portal at the time of Dispatch of Material Attach a copy all mandatory documents required with the material shipment, with the ASN Dispatch the material to the defined delivery location at Cairn Once the material has been received at Cairn, you will get a mail notification from Smart Connect View the details of final received / accepted quantity by searching the Goods Receipt Notification (GRN) on the Smart Connect Portal Print a copy of the Final Goods receipt and attach with the invoice along with valid Cairn Goods Receipt Number and send to Invoice processing BPO to ensure faster payment processing. For ex-works payment, please print a copy of the ASN and send along with the invoice and other mandatory documents.
You will be directed to this page to access the Portal Please enter the login id and password provided to you by the Smart Connect Team Incase you have forgotten your password the same can be reset by clicking here. The new password will be sent to your registered email id You will be directed to this page to access the Portal * Based on sample data
All POs can be accessed by clicking on the PO tab given here Upon successful submission of login details you will be directed to your home page on the Smart Connect Portal * Based on sample data
Please click on the link to access the PO against which Service Confirmation is to be created The relevant order can also be directly searched by accessing the document search function You need to have an upfront callout order / Purchase Order / Service Order / Limit Order to be able to make a service confirmation. Incase you don’t know the same please contact your relevant user in Cairn * Based on sample data
The PO line items along with Order Qty and value will be visible here * Based on sample data
Click on Notify Shipment Button to create an Advance Shipment Notification against this PO * Based on sample data
1. Enter the relevant Delivery Information here On clicking on Notify Shipment Button you will be directed to Advance Shipment Notification Creation page 1. Enter the relevant Delivery Information here * Based on sample data
1. Enter the relevant Delivery Information here 2. Select the line items against which delivery is to be made. This is a mandatory step * Based on sample data
3. Click on Propose Outstanding Quantity. This is a mandatory step On clicking on Propose Outstanding Quantity, system will automatically propose Open Quantity against the selected line items (Ordered Quantity – Quantity for which GRN has been done) 4. You may reduce the proposed quantity to the actual qty to be shipped 3. Click on Propose Outstanding Quantity. This is a mandatory step * Based on sample data
4. You may reduce the proposed quantity to the actual qty to be shipped * Based on sample data
5. Attach the mandatory documents required with the shipment here A checklist of required documents with the shipment is attached for reference 5. Attach the mandatory documents required with the shipment here * Based on sample data
6. After completing the Shipment Notification submit it by clicking here * Based on sample data
You should get this message upon successful submission of the Shipment Notification 7. Print the ASN by clicking here and send the copy along with your material shipment Incase you don’t receive this message please recheck steps 1 to 6, incase the problem persists please write to the smart connect help desk. * Based on sample data
The document number shown here is the ASN number The status of all Advance Shipment Notifications and Corresponding Goods Receipts can be seen by clicking on the “display documents flow” button on top of the Purchase order * Based on sample data
Good receipts and cancellations done against the ASN As Goods receipt is done against your ASN, you will get an email notification from the Smart Connect Portal and the Goods receipt will also be visible in the document flow. * Based on sample data
Click on the line item to see Cairn GRN number Goods receipt Quantity can be seen here Reason for mismatch if any will be visible here Click on the Goods receipt to view the details. Movement Type of 103 means the material is received but is under inspection. 105/101 movement types mean a final GRN has been done and invoice can be processed * Based on sample data
Cairn Goods Receipt Number Cairn Goods Receipt number is visible at Item level, upon clicking on a line item in the Goods Receipt Screen * Based on sample data
1. Click here to print the Goods Receipt approved by Cairn Approved Goods Receipt should be printed and attached along with Invoice submitted to BPO, to ensure faster payment processing 1. Click here to print the Goods Receipt approved by Cairn Invoice should be submitted only after you have received a Goods Receipt Notification from Smart Connect Invoice may be submitted against a Goods Receipt of Movement type 103, but payment will be done only after a final Goods Receipt of 105/101, since there may be some quality rejection during inspection. * Based on sample data
Click to Open or Save the document * Based on sample data
This PDF copy can be printed * Based on sample data
Incase you still face some issues in creating an Advance Shipment Notification, please feel free to write to us / call us on the details provided * Based on sample data
Thank You