Health screening of healthy postmenopausal women
The impact of postmenopausal estrogen deprivation
Menopausal hormone therapy and the risk of breast cancer
Menopausal hormone therapy and the risk of cardiovascular
Preparation for menopausal hormone therapy
Choice of estrogen/progestin regimen
Other symptoms that respond to estrogen therapy
Use of Contraceptives during the menopausal transition
Stopping hormone therapy and tapering
Compounded bio-identical hormone therapy
Exercise role in prevention and treatment osteoporosis
Calcium/vitamin D supplementation in osteoporosis
Intensity of exercise
Fracture risk assessment
Candidates for treatment of osteoporosis and osteopenia in postmenopausal women
The use of bisphosphonates in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis
Contraindications/intolerance of bisphosphonates
Pretreatment evaluation of bisphosphonates therapy
Risk of bisphosphonate therapy in patient with osteoporosis
Combination therapy
When to initiate bisphosphonates
Fracture healing in patients already taking bisphosphonates
Guidelines for monitoring response to therapy
Bone mineral density stable or increased
Bone mineral density decreased or fracture during therapy
Parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related protein analog
Denosumab for osteoporosis
Selective estrogen receptor modulators (Raloxifene)
Calcitonin for osteoporosis
Isoflavones supplements
Risk factors of menopausal hotflashes
Duration of menopausal hotflashes
Clinical manifestations of menopausal hotflashes
Differential diagnosis of hotflashes
Menopausal hormone therapy in women with menopausal hotflashes
Bazedoxifene/conjugated estrogen for treatment of menopausal hotflashes
SSRIs/SNRIs for treatment of menopausal hotflashes
Gabapentin for treatment of menopausal hotflashes
Paroxetine for treatment of menopausal hotflashes
Clonidine for treatment of menopausal hotflashes
Depot medroxiprogesteron acetate for treatment of menopausal hotflashes
hotflashes in women with breast cancer
Plant based therapy for treatment of menopausal hotflashes
Acupuncture for treatment of menopausal hotflashes
Clonidine for treatment of menopausal hotflashes
Autoimmune endocrinopathies in women with premature menopause
Spontaneous ovulation in women with premature menopause
Role of estrogen, clomiphene, gonadotropin, glucocorticoid therapy in infertile women with POF
Approach to Management of women with POF
Contraception in women with premature menopause
Duration of therapy in women with premature menopause
Androgen replacement therapy in women with premature menopause
Etiology postmenopausal uterine bleeding
Risk factors endometrial cancer
Endometrial evaluation Endometrial biopsy Dilation and curettage Hysteroscopy Saline infusion sonohysterography Transvaginal ultrasound
Asymptomatic menopausal women with endometrial thickening
Asymptomatic menopausal women with fluid within the endometrial cavity
Endometrial thickening in women on hormone therapy
Endometrial thickening in women on tamoxifen
An ultrasound risk-scoring model for prediction of endometrial cancer in post-menopausal women
Endometrial hyperplasis: terminology and histologic class (2015, WHO)
Classification system Histologic category 2015 WHO Normal endometrium Hyperplasia without atypia (non-neoplastic) Atypical hyperplasia (neoplastic) Endometrial carcinoma 1994 WHO Simple hyperplasia without atypia Complex hyperplasia without atypia Simple Atypical hyperplasia (rare) Complex Atypical hyperplasia Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia Benign endometrial hyperplasia Additional terms used in Proliferative endometrium Disordered proliferative endometrium Gland crowding
Management of proliferative endometrium
Management of nonatypical hyperplasia/benign endometrial hyperplasia (and some EIN)
Complex hyperplasia without atypia benign endometrial hyperplasia (some EIN)/gland crowding
Atypical hyperplasia/EIN
The end