G. J. Mathews - University of Notre Dame


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Presentation transcript:

G. J. Mathews - University of Notre Dame Big Bang Cosmology G. J. Mathews - University of Notre Dame OMEG07 The 10th Int. Symp. on 
Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan December 4, 2007

Epochs of the Big Bang Planck Epoch Cosmic Phase Transitions Birth of Space-time Inflation/Reheating Cosmic Phase Transitions Supersymmetry breaking Baryogenesis EW transition QCD transition Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Cosmic Microwave Background

 Cosmological probes Inflation/Fluctuations Cosmic Microwave Background BBN Log   Ly- Supernovae Big Bang LSS/Clusters 10-30 sec 1-200 sec 105 y 1010 y Log (time)

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Comparison with Observed Abundances Yp - Extragalactic HII Regions 0.240 ≤Yp ≤ 0.244 Izotov & Thuan (2003,2004) ) Steigman (2006) 0.240 ≤Yp ≤ 0.258 Olive & Skillman (2004) Coc, et al. 2004 OS04 D - QSO absorption systems 2.4x10-5≤D/H≤ 3.2x10-5 Kirkman et al. (2003) / WMAP 7Li - Halo Stars 0.91x-10≤7Li/H≤ 1.91 x10-10 Ryan et al. (2000)

Is This Evidence of New Cosmology? Problems There is tension between D/H+CMB and 7Li (+YP?) Overabundance of 6Li Is This Evidence of New Cosmology? Extra Dimensions/Dark Radiation? Cosmic Quintessence? Time Varying Constants? Decaying Planck-Mass and/or SUSY Particles? Early Galactic Evolution effects?

Cosmic Microwave Background WMAP Cosmic Microwave Background

We are in the Age of Precision Cosmology Baryons - Ωb = 0.045±0.002 Dark Matter - ΩCDM = 0.22±0.01 Dark Energy - Ω = 0.73±0.04 Now is the time to look to for a deeper understanding

Some Unsolved Questions Surrounding the Big Bang How did the universe begin? Why are there 3 large dimensions? What drives inflation? Are there observable effects from: supersymmetric particles, string excitations, etc. Existence of extra dimensions? How does the universe reheat? How and when was the net baryon number generated?

Some Unsolved Questions Surrounding the Big Bang When and how was the dark matter generated? When and how was the dark energy created? Are there observable effects from cosmic phase transitions? Supersymmetry breaking Electoweak transition QCD transition? Is there a primordial magnetic field?

How did the Universe Begin? String theory? Extra dimensions?

Supergravity Metric Dimensions    Gravity Maxwell Yang Mills Quarks-Leptons    Maxwell Yang Mills Quarks Leptons g= 4 1 3 3 Sum 11 Dimensions

  10  String Dimensions Time Height Gravity + 4 Width Depth SU(2)xU(1) SU(3) Bulk Dimension   10  Gravity + 4 Electroweak & +6 Strong Bulk + 1 Sum 11 Dimensions

Brane World Cosmology: M-Theory/IIB String theory In the low-energy limit, the heterotic M-theory is 11-dimensional supergravity coupled to two 10-dimensional E8E8 gauge theories. There are two smooth 10-dimensional manifolds plus a bulk dimension between them Physical particles are tiny strings trapped on each universe m0 Bulk Dimension

Why are there only 3 large dimensions? 3-branes best survive brane annihilation Karch & Randall, Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 (2005) 161601, hep-ph/505053 If the 2 universes collide they can annihilate Largest branes annihilate fastest so 3-branes DOMINATE Bulk Dimension

Why are there only 3 large dimensions? String Gas Cosmology: Brendenberger & Vafa Strings wind around branes and resist expansion. Winding and antiwinding modes annihilate allowing expansion 2p + 1 dimensions become large. String Interactions

Why are there only 3 large dimensions? Higher Dimensionsal Gravity: Ferrer & Rasanen (2007) hep-th/07070499 Higher Dimensional Einstein equation Can only exit inflation if ≤ 3 dimensions Normal FRW Inflation density H2

How did the Universe Begin? Birth of the Multiverse A. Linde (2002)

What Drives Inflation? Invented to solve: Flatness problem: Why   1, k  0 Horizon problem T1  T2 T1 T2

Inflaton Effective Potential? Chaotic / Stochastic: V() = m22/2 or 4/4 Classical Inflation: V() = 4/4 - 3/3 + m22/2 New Inflation: = 4[ln(2/v2) -(1/2) - m2/4v2] +V0 Kaluza-Klein/R2: = (3/4) m2(1-exp[√(2/3) 2]) Natural Inflation: = 4/[1±cos(/f)] Multiple Inflation: = /4[2 - M2] +m22/2+  22/2 Power-law: =  exp{b } No-scale supergravity/superstrings: = m4/[1 - 3] 2 + m22/2 Supersymmetry, Supergravity, Superstrings, …, … Extended, Hyperextended, Overextended, ..., …. Hybrid, thermal, cyclic, ….. …..

Inflation potentials consistent with observational constraints Kinney et al., PRD, 69, 103516 (2004) Almost anything Works except V(4

Is there Evidence for String Excitations/ Massive particles from KK excitations?

Resonant Massive Particle Creation Mathews, Chung, Ichiki, Kajino, Orito PRD, 70, 083505 (2004). M  1.6 Mpl  0.5

How does the universe reheat How does the universe reheat? How and when was the net baryon number generated? Baryon number violation C and CP violation Deviation from Thermal Equilibrium Electroweak Baryogenesis? Affleck-Dine mechanism? Leptogenesis?

Is there Evidence for Large Extra Dimensions?

How does a higher dimensional world appear to our lower dimensional world?  Can look for effects on cosmic expansion history

Higher Dimensional Gravity GAB = 52 TAB , 52 = 1/2M53 , A,B = (0,1,2,3,5) ds2 = e {-2k|z|}  dxdx - dz2 TAB (brane)=((z)/b)diag(--, -+p, -+p, -+p,0) TAB (vacuum)= diag( -5, -5, -5, -5, -5 ) Leads to a new Friedmann equation for cosmic expansion GN= 52 2/48π , 4 = 54 2/12 +3 5 /4 Dark Radiation

K. Ichiki, M. Yahiro, T. Kajino, M. Orito, G. J K. Ichiki, M. Yahiro, T. Kajino, M. Orito, G. J. Mathews PRD 66, 043521 (2002) WMAP Standard BBN Dark Radiation relaxes the tension between the CMB and 4He limits on the baryon/photon ratio

When and how was the dark energy created?

Dark Energy may be evidence of higher dimensions, e.g. caused by an interaction between the two parallel universes: Ekpyrotic Universe Many fires: multiple big bangs. If the 2 universes attract it causes acceleration of each universe If the 2 universes collide it causes a big bang m0 Bulk Dimension

Dark energy caused by inflow from a higher dimension Inflowing Dark Matter Dark energy caused by inflow from a higher dimension Umezu, Ichiki, Kajino, Mathews, Yahiro (2006) Phys.Rev. D73, (2006) 063527 Kiritsis et al., JHEP (2002), Tetradis,et al. JHEP (2003) The flow of matter into the 3-brane will appear as spontaneous matter creation Solution fixed point provides a constant energy density => Accelerated expansion m0 m0 m0 Bulk Dimension Z

Transfer from/to the Bulk leads to Modified Cosmic Expansion E = “Dark Radiation” or Electric part of the bulk Weyl tensor

Accelerating Cosmology

Fit to SNIa Data Equivalently fit with =0 or CDM Umezu, et al. PRD (2006)

CMB Power Spectrum Diminished power for the lowest multipoles Umezu, et al. (2006)

Matter Power Spectrum Less power on the scales near the horizon Umezu, et al. PRD (2006)

Is the Dark Energy Quintessence? Yahiro , Mathews, Ichiki, Kajino, Orito, PRD, 65, 063502 (2002) Attractor Solution: ~ independent of initial conditions Explains why rL ~rM Avoids Fine Tuning/ Smallness? Matter Creation/ Quintessential Inflation

Many Quintessence Models are ruled out by requirement that w < -0.7 Barger, Guarnaccia, Marfatia 2006 dw/dz WMAP SNIa SDSS Ly w

In models with extra dimensions: Values of fundamental constants depend on the size of the extra dimensions and can vary with time

Time Varying electromagnetism? Webb et al, 1999, Murphy et al. 2001,2003 Time Varying electromagnetism? =e2/(2ohc)

BBN Limit on Time varying  Ichikawa & Kawasaki PRD 2004 Yp = 2nn/(nn+np) = 2/(1+exp{∆m/Tf) ∆mMeV=2.05-0.76(/0) (E) = (S(E)/E)  exp{-2ZiZj(/2E)1/2}

Is there evidence of supersymmetric matter in the early universe? How did the dark matter form?

Puzzle of 6Li Asplund, et al. ApJ, 644, 229 (2006) Observed 6Li Expected 6Li Cosmic-ray Nucleosynthesis

6Li can not be made in the standard Big Bang? + d  6Li +  (E2) Suppressed

Possible means to produce 6Li Enhanced cosmic ray +6Li,7Li Nonthermal Production from decaying heavy SUSY particles Catalyzed by negatively-charged SUSY particles Modifies other CR abundances Difficult to satisfy other light element constraints Possible? See next talks: Kusakabe Kawanomoto

Is there Evidence of Cosmic Phase Transitions?

Evidence of the cosmic QCD transition? Primordial nucleosynthesis? Primordial black holes? Lara, Kajino, Mathews, PRD (2006)

Is there a primordial magnetic field? Yamazaki, Ichiki, Kajino, Mathews, ApJ (2007)

Conclusions We have entered the age of “precision cosmology” There are still many issues to be solved in big bang cosmology The big bang is sometimes the only environment in which new physics can be testedat the highest energies New physics breakthroughs are likely to come as we better understand the origin of matter in the big bang.

How did the dark energy form Quintessence?

What is this Quintessence? . QG  QQ2⁄2+V(Q) 4 (eQ + eQ ) 4 e-Q [1 + A sin(Q)] 4 e-Q [(Q-B) +A] 4 1 + cos(Q/f)]] 4+ Q [4+ Q]eQ2/2 4 e-Q 4 [cosh(Q) - 1] p