King Henry VIII In in 1493, grew up a long shot to be king of England Hated seeing the French and Spanish advance while England stalled His brother dies unexpectantly and Henry is crowned king Wages war against France and Spain for most of his rule, lived like every day was a party, claimed to care about his people but used them for wealth and power Married Catherine of Aragon and the story begins!
Catherine of Aragon Daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle of Spain Married Prince Arthur, when he died she married King Henry Henry put a lot of pressure on her to produce a male child, when she did not, Henry left her and married Anne Boleyn Henry wanted to kill Catherine but because her nephew was King Charles V he sent her to live in exile with their daughter – Mary
Pope Clement VII Attempted to exert power of Henry VIII Their relationship sours and Henry pulls England from any control, connection or association with The Roman Church – he in turns creates the Anglican Church or Church of England The more they disagree the more it looks like a holy war could erupt across Europe and the known world
Your Task: Research the following topics on Henry VIII and see what conclusions you can come to about how this influenced the creation of the 13 British Colonies in America: Who were his wives? What happened to each of his wives? Who were his famous children and why are they famous? Why do you think Henry was so angry at the Roman Church and those who followed their teachings? How did the events in Henry, Mary, Elizabeth and James’ life, influence how they controlled exploration and colonization in the new world?