The journey to improve teaching and learning using iPads and technology'
The aim…. The aim was to use technology to support Year 11 students with revision outside and inside of the classroom. To explore the flipped classroom model for learning.
Research: Why “flip”? “Also know as “inverting” a classroom, this approach seeks to preserve the value of lectured expertise while freeing up precious in-person class time for active learning strategies. The main goal in flipping a class is to cultivate deeper, richer active learning experiences for students when the instructor is present to coach and guide them. Emphasis is on higher-order thinking skills and application to complex problems, and may include collaborative learning, case-based learning, peer instruction and problem sets.”
What did I do to work towards my target? Started to experiment with ‘Explain Everything’ to create videos that summarised the topic. Used google drive to upload PPT prior to uploading into ‘ExplainEverything’ Emailed the students the link to the video clips prior to the lesson. Created QR code links to the videos so students could watch them in class.
ADVANTAGES OF A FLIPPED CLASSROOM 21st century preparation - Using technology for educational purposes at an early age develops technical skills and provides students with a working knowledge of 21st century tools and resources Self-paced instruction - Because videos are available online 24/7, students are able to learn ideas at the pace that best suits them. They can stop and rewind explanations of concepts they find difficult. Social interaction - With added class time for collaborative activities, social interaction is promoted amongst the students and the student and teacher
DISADVANTAGES OF A FLIPPED CLASSROOM Some students didn’t watch the video tutorials in advance which meant that they still needed me to explain the concepts. Non-universal accessibility - For one reason or another, not all students are capable of accessing online instruction at home which can set them back in the learning process and limit their progress. This was the case with some of my students. Additional time/effort - Creating online tutorials requires a significant amount of additional time and effort that some are not willing or able to commit
Resolving Issues: Problem Resolution Initially linked videos to QR codes or sent link via email to google drive. Created YouTube channel so lack of iPad or difficultly accessing emails did not become an issue. Videos too long. Some students lost interest quickly. Added activities within the tutorial. Created shorter videos Took time. Sometimes I could only get the vide out a day in advance. All videos will be created for the Year 11 syllabus now so this issue will be eliminated.
Since putting videos on YouTube (27/04/2015) rather than emailing link it has been easier to see whether the videos are being viewed. Topic Number of views B2.1 Cells and simple transport AQA 14 B2.3- B2.4 Photosynthesis and Organisms 35 B2.5 AQA Proteins and their uses 26 B2.6 Respiration 6
Q1: Did you find the videos tutorials helped you with your revision? Student Views Q1: Did you find the videos tutorials helped you with your revision?
Student Views Q2: Which of the following statements do you agree with? [You can tick more than one box]
Student Views Q3: How could the video tutorials be improved to make them more useful to you? [You can select more than one box]
Q4: Would you recommend the tutorials to others in your year group? Student Views Q4: Would you recommend the tutorials to others in your year group?
Student Views Q5: Other than the tutorials, which other activities that we used in class did you find helpful? [You can select more than one]
How I will measure the impact. Summer 2015 data from Year 11 classes 11T2/Sc3 and 11T2/Sc4. How many achieved target grade or above in the Biology section of the paper. Number of views on YouTube.