Happy New Year! January 2017 Newsletter Project News Need Assessment North Central Regional Needs Assessment Round 1 ended on November 30th, 2016: Over 600 growers entered and/or partially filled out the survey. After reviewing all data only those substantially complete were considered for analysis; however, all comments were included. 325 surveys were used for quantitative data analysis in December 2016. Developed Round Two survey of the Needs Assessment. FSMA Preventive Control for Human Food Audit checklist Began developing the FSMA Preventive Control for Human Food Audit checklist for fruit and vegetable processors in the North Central Region. We are actively recruiting fruit and vegetable processing companies to pilot the audit checklist in their facilities in February-March 2017. We will test the pilot in February-March 2017. NCR Grant Partners Our website has been expanded with more FSMA resources, links to Partners’ programs, and calendar events. NCR Center’s Year 1 Annual Report was submitted to FDA.
A look ahead for January Need Assessment We will administer Round Two of the need assessment survey: Validation process will occur January 2nd-7th, 2017 Electronic survey and paper Round Two surveys will be available by January 10th, 2017 We will release Round Two survey by January 10th, 2017 (available on NCRfsma.org). Each state within the North Central Region will receive customized report for their state based on the NCR Round One Needs Assessment data. BOLO Alert! BE ON THE LOOKOUT for…. Need Assessment North Central Regional Needs Assessment Round Two survey - released by January 10th, 2017 with packets of surveys mailed to each State Lead within the North Central Region. Individual state reports for all states in the region based on the NCR Round One Needs Assessment data. NCR Grant Partners List of approved Lead Trainers for the FSMA Produce Safety Rule and FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Food on our website (see website NCRfsma.org) Annual Report for Year 1 of our grant will be published March 2017. Winter Fruit and Vegetable Conference Watch the website for a list of all the winter fruit and vegetable conferences within the North Central Region (see website NCRfsma.org) Network with your peers! Designated meet up times will be established for each conference.
Get social with us... Please follow us on FB & Twitter Visit our website: https://ncrfsma.org/ Thanks for your continued interest in the NCR FSMA Training Center as we develop the necessary foundation for future collaboration. If you have specific questions or feedback please email mhosier@illinois.edu Sincerely, NCR FSMA Training Center Team Angela M Shaw - Project Director Linda Naeve - Partnership Manager Catherine Strohbehn - Curriculum Manager Arlene Enderton - Evaluator Mary Hosier - Project Manager